Virginia Tech FA/12 Transfer

<p>Awesome. And I guess I read that a new batch of letters should be going out in the next few days? This is so exciting =]</p>

<p>so if you are accepted, when should we be expecting the financial aid package?</p>

<p>On their FB, the Admission’s Office said a wave should go out at the end of this month! I assume it’ll be Friday. I figure it might include those from CC’s whose apps weren’t complete by the first wave + everyone else who’s gotten the hokie bird recently. So excited!!</p>

<p>@saxyman, I got an email from financial aid saying it’d be near the beginning of April.</p>

<p>Hi guys!
Freshman, applying to Transfer into the Human Development program at the amazing Virginia Tech. My application was complete on Jan.10th, and I have a 3.46 GPA. I have not recieved a hokie bird, or any emails. I saw on the VT Undergrad Facebook page that a wave would be coming out the end of this month. Very excited! Super nervous though…</p>

<p>This waiting game is no fun! Good luck to all of you, and Congrats to all with hokie birds!</p>

<p>Hey! I’m a second semester freshman also applying as a Human Development major! My GPA is a 3.25, though. haha</p>

<p>Anyone get into Pamplin yet…?</p>

<p>Does anyone know if the letter that is mailed to your home is just a letter or will you receive a packet if you are accepted? like one you would get if you are applying out of high school</p>

<p>I would assume they’d send a packet because there’s likely to be a lot of information we need like about housing, dining, and registering for classes.</p>

<p>Yeah that’s true. I live in Blacksburg but it will be sent to my home adress with my parents so I’m going to be so sad if my parents tell me I just got a letter.</p>

<p>same here lol</p>

<p>I got a Hokie Bird!!!</p>

<p>Congrats man</p>

<p>Gahhh lucky :confused: what major did you apply for?</p>

<p>Wow I am so jealous. This wait is seriously KILLING ME. What kind of GPA did you have whehokie?</p>

<p>anyone in engineering get a hokie bird yet?</p>

<p>So, i got the Hokie Bird… what does it mean?</p>

<p>Spunkush, So far I’m pretty sure that the hokie bird mean they’re just reviewing your file. Which is a good thing because once they review it they can make a decision, so you would probably be in the next batch of letters to go out. Something else it might mean is that you got accepted! Don’t hold me to that, but so far everyone that I know of who has gotten it has gotten accepted, I haven’t heard of anyone being denied and getting it. I got it on Friday, so that’s what I hope it means. =]</p>

<p>Callmeblonde5, Yeah i really hope it means i’m in, but i mean i am not sure someone that was denied would want to post on this board. So i want to keep my hopes grounded. Do you know when they will send out the decisions? and if they are transfering all my credits, is that a good sign?</p>

<p>Well, I have been living under the impression that it means I will get accepted. If not, then I will be distraught when I receive news other than an acceptance haha</p>

<p>Has anyone called or emailed admissions recently about when the decisions will be given out or their status application? I kind of want to find out if my application has been looked at because it still says “processed application”</p>