Virginia Tech FA/12 Transfer

<p>joshzh, when i looked at my application status today, there was a new requirement and it says “College 2 Transcript” and the note has my old school on it when the received section blank. I emailed the admissions office and they said that they do indeed need all of my official transcripts from every school i have attended.</p>

<p>Thats weird. I have had my hokie bird for over week and a half now and I havent gotten anything but the red text. :(</p>

<p>At least all yall have hokie birds…</p>


<p>this is one of the first waves so don’t lose hope yet. Last year some people didn’t see the hokie bird until around 4/16!</p>

<p>Does anyone know when to expect the next wave of actual acceptances and denials? I thought it was supposed to be during this week.</p>

<p>I think status pages will begin to change tomorrow and Friday. I don’t think they can change your status until your decision is in the mail so I’d expect the mail sometime next week.</p>

<p>btw, for those of you who have a hokie bird “Transfer Credit Evaluation May Be Complete”</p>

<p>I got this from the VT Transfer Website</p>



<p>wrjosh i don’t think you have to do the spend the night i thought that was optional but we could email or call and ask. I havent signed up for it because tech is 6 hours away from ecu and im so busy on the weekends but I think its optional</p>

<p>Wrjosh, if what you just said is true, then I may be the happiest student alive right now, but my brain won’t let me celebrate just yet for some reason.</p>

<p>Still nothing over here. :confused: damn.</p>

<p>Haha wrjosh88, are you the one who just posted about the hokie bird on the facebook page?</p>

<p>wrJosh88, where did you see that they only evaluate after they offer admission? I can’t find that on any of the transfer pages.</p>

<p>haha yeah thats me…</p>

<p>and I found that quote here [2011-2012</a> Transfer Guide](<a href=“]2011-2012”></p>

<p>in Evaluation of Transfer Credit paragraph.</p>

<p>LOL… I wonder how they are going to reply…</p>

<p>Well that transfer guide DOES say that evaluation is made after you have been offered admission. But at the same time that feels like it implies you would have been given a formal acceptance prior. They really need to update these things to be more clear about this kind of stuff.</p>

<p>No, hetz93! You will not kill my joyful mood! Haha. Regardless, I think some decisions might go up tomorrow. At least that’s what I heard. =]</p>

<p>And now that I know it was wrjosh88 who posted that on the Tech undergrad page I feel particularly awesome for liking it! Haha.</p>

<p>Wahhh :,( no Hokie bird today, anyone else? Have any biology majors found out yet?</p>

<p>No… Nothing yet… This wait is seriously killing me… Hope tomorrow will be the day… The email that I got said to send my midterms by the 30th of march… I think tomorrow is the day for all us BIO majors…</p>