Virginia Tech FA/12 Transfer

<p>Well i hope its good news because that is the day before my birthday and it would be like a nice early birthday present if its an acceptance haha</p>

<p>then april fools day comes along!</p>

<p>hahahahaha such bad birthday timing. Every year: presents! (next day) jk no presents.</p>

<p>Hey hetz93, does your application portal have your midterm grades as ‘recieved’???</p>

<p>Nothing today. You guys think tomorrow could be the day?</p>

<p>Painkiller, do you have a space that says midterms?</p>

<p>No, there is no space for midterms.</p>

<p>Oh ok…
Then there is no space for midterms…</p>

<p>I just read on the VT undergraduate admissions page on FB, some guy asked about if the hokie bird means your in with admissions and will be notified in the future. They replied that “The update you have noticed on your status page means that your credits are being evaluated by the University Registrar”</p>

<p>I received the HOKIE BIRD wooo! Does this mean that I am accepted?</p>

<p>Just got my acceptance:)</p>

<p>Congrats guys!</p>

<p>adfklasklfjd congratulations cetracy (: how?! like right now?</p>


<p>jmugirl check your inbox :3</p>

<p>Yeah! Like it just updated at 12:10ish! Really random time, but everyone who got Hokie birds this week, check! Yours might be updated too:)</p>


<p>i replied VTHope12…i least i think it worked haha</p>

<p>I just got in, too! Grats guys ^_^</p>

<p>Accepted! So excited!</p>