Virginia Tech FA/12 Transfer

<p>There have been at least two other people on this threat applying as engineers and they had the same thing as you. So yea, I think tech might make you take a summer session to catch up. They had the same thing as you</p>

<p>yes, engineer majors have to start the second half of this summer to catch up</p>

<p>Congrats on getting accepted! When did you complete your application? </p>

<p>And did you turn in anything else except your actual application and transcripts? I just want to know my chances. I have a 3.4 but haven’t heard a thing so I’m really starting to worry.</p>

<p>OH MY GOD! Right after I messaged spunkush I checked my app status and saw the Hokie Bird!! This seems soo surreal! Cannot believe it. Keep the faith everybody! I felt hopeless for the past month so believe me, there is plenty of hope!</p>

<p>@VTtransfer7 Congrats!!! When did you complete your application?</p>

<p>So I just got an email asking me for a midterm grade for my calc class. How did you guys send the grade? Did you just ask your teacher and then just send the person back an email or do you have to send like an official copy of something?</p>

<p>@joshzh, Thank you very much! I completed my application on February 1st and turned in both my high school transcript and college transcript on February 9th.</p>

<p>Does anybody know how long it takes for them to send you the actual acceptance letter after you’ve gotten the Hokie Bird on your app page?</p>

<p>Hey PatriotsRule, what I did was I wrote the name of the course with the credit each class was worth and the letter Grade… Via email… Do what the email tells you to do…</p>

<p>Hey VTtransfer7, you got the bird todayyyy?</p>

<p>@ PainKiller2364, Yessss, I did! One of the more surreal feelings in my life. I kept hearing about this infamous Bird and was always just imagining that it would be on my page the next time I would check and after about the 35683 time of checking it, I got it today, which was at about 6pm. </p>

<p>I was surprised that the Admissions Office was still doing work over the weekend because it wasn’t there this morning but it was when I checked again this evening.</p>

<p>I’ve seen a lot of people get the bird on Monday or Tuesday, and get the letter on Friday. So four or five business days?</p>

<p>For anyone who had to send midterm grades, did yall get the hokie bird later? And how long from the time you sent the email to the hokie bird?</p>

<p>Thank you JennyK!</p>

<p>If anybody else knows or has actually gotten their acceptance letters, can you let me know how long it takes to get the actual acceptance letter after you receive the Hokie Bird?</p>

<p>@PatriotsRule, Hetz93 and I had to send in our Midterm grades, but Hetz93 was the one who got the hokie bird after a short span of time. I ,on the other hand, haven’t seen anything Yet. However, Hetz93 got his email around 12th of March and I got mine last Friday. So it certainly means we are under the radar. It also means that we should probably know by the next wave. I applied a bit late (sent application on the 26th of Feb and then followed up with my other documents by the 1st week of March). May I ask when you submit your Application???</p>

<p>@ChelseaM…Yes I’m from community college, but a freshmen transfer though.
@joshzh…I submitted my app on Feb 7, and got the hokiebird on Feb 24.
@VTtransfer7…Hokiebird on Friday, Feb 24th, and Acceptance Letter on Friday, March 2nd. One week. The letter was postmarked on Feb 28th though.</p>

<p>Uh I think I submitted my application like 2 days before the original deadline which I think was Feb 15th? So I guess I submitted my application like the 12th or 13th of Feb. </p>

<p>I just got the email asking for my calc midterm grade this sat the 31st of march</p>

<p>According to me,That’s a good sign man. I hope it works out for all of us. Its been almost a week now(since I sent my Midterms), I haven’t heard back yet…hope to hear back by next week…</p>

<p>Word, did your person ever email you back saying they got your grades? I never got a response, but then again it’s Sunday so that maybe why…</p>

<p>I also got an email requesting mid term grades, I don’t need any verification with those? By that I mean I can just send them my letter grade in an email? And is it a good sign? haha</p>

<p>Yea just find out your grade and send it back. For me all I said was…</p>

<p>Thanks for your email. My grade as of April 1st, 2012 in my Math 122 class is an A (92.33%).</p>

<p>Hope this helps!</p>


<p>My name</p>

<p>I think it’s a good sign as long as you’re doing well in those classes. I don’t know if they asked you for all your midterm grades, but they only asked me for my calc grade and I have an A so I hope that’s good luck haha</p>