Virginia Tech FA/12 Transfer

<p>I never got a confirmation email… Let me know if any of you get one…</p>

<p>Before anyone got the Hokie bird, did anything else pop up? Did the message change when they started to evaluate the application for admission?</p>

<p>Is anyone on this discussion board currently a freshmen at another college? I am just curious to see if anyone is applying without a finished associates degree.</p>

<p>I am currently a freshmen (credit-wise considered a sophomore) at a VCCS school, however I will get my associates degree in Dec 2012 (I did a lot of duel-enrollment in high school). I really am hoping to get accepted to Virginia Tech because I believe transferring during the beginning of the school year will be a lot more comfortable than transferring mid-year. I graduated with a 3.65 GPA in high school, and got a 3.6 GPA last semester at a VCCS. Do you think I have pretty good chances? I have completed 28 college credits, and after this semester will have completed 43 college credits. I am a little worried, however, because I have not gotten an email about submitted my midterm grades which makes me feel like they aren’t very interested in knowing them.</p>

<p>Let me know if you’re in the same boat I am! I feel like I’m going crazy waiting for decisions!</p>

<p>I think you’re good. They only asked for my midterms scores because this is my first semester at VCCS. Since you’ve been there a little longer they probably don’t need them. It’s not a bad sign at all!</p>

<p>I haven’t got the hokie bird or any response yet so i emailed the assistant director of the undergraduate admission as i was advised to do so by the regular stuff when i called there. Obviously she has more control over the applications and can pull up and look into the actual application and can give a better answer than stuff. I asked her different questions including my status of the application, my chance of getting in, additional requirements, the need of the midterm grades, resume or recommendation paper etc.</p>

<p>This is what she replied:</p>

<p>"Your application has not yet gone through the review process; however, it does appear that we have everything we need to make the decision. I do recommend that you continue to monitor your email as this will be our primary means of contacting you if there should be any questions.</p>

<p>The most competitive applicants for the engineering majors will have completed the following courses:</p>

<p>Eng 111 and 112
Math 173 and 174
Chem 111 OR Physics 231 AND 232</p>

<p>In addition to these courses, competitive applicants will have achieved B’s or better in their coursework." </p>

<p>Although i don’t know if its a good or bad sign that my application hasn’t been reviewed yet, i have completed well above what the competitive applicants should. If not getting reviewed could mean that i don’t have much chance but according to her, i should be competitive enough. </p>

<p>Just wanted to share this with you all. So what are your thoughts?</p>

<p>Yea painkiller, looks like I wont be getting a response from my admission person either regarding my midterm grade.</p>

<p>I got an email back today…</p>

<p>(My Name)</p>

<p>Thanks for providing me with your midterm grade for MATH 122. This information will be used to make your final admission decision. We are continuing to review applications for transfer students and you will be notified of your admission status on or before May 1. If you have additional questions, please contact me at any time.</p>

<p>Best wishes with your coursework this semester!</p>


<p>(Admissions person’s name)</p>

<p>■■■… I don’t know why he couldn’t send me a confirmation email…
PatriotsRule, check your inbox…</p>

<p>same! I ended up sending a second email to see if the lady got my mid term grades and all she said was " Thank you for that information. I will add that to your file" Not as personal as yours was patriotsrule.</p>

<p>I just replied</p>

<p>And sorry haha I don’t know why he was so personal… guess he was just in a good mood today</p>

<p>I sent her another email asking if she had recieved my email… No reply to that either…
If i call the admissions office, will they be able to tell me if the grades were updated or not…?</p>

<p>Does anybody know if any engineers have received admission yet?</p>

<p>Hokieeeeee birddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd</p>

<p>i know lots have questions have been asked regarding sending in mid-term grades but i have another…i got emailed asking for my mid-term grades today saying that my application has been put on hold until they get them but the person who emailed me said that my grades could be emailed via email directly to him from my instructors…not just from me putting them in an email like most of you had to do…</p>

<p>did this happen to anyone else?</p>

<p>PatriotsRule Congratss Man… What a long wait dude…</p>

<p>JmuGirl, i just got an email asking me to email her back with the grades…</p>

<p>but did she say you could just do it yourself…like include the names of your courses and your grades or did it specify having your professors email them back?</p>

<p>Haha yea… it just like showed up today…</p>

<p>I’m positive yall will get it soon, probably by the end of the week! </p>

<p>JMUgirl for me, my person said… “This mid-term grade may be sent via email directly to me from you or your instructor.” </p>

<p>So obviously I just sent it to him from myself, but if your person wants it from the teacher, just tell the teacher your transferring and give them your admissions person email. No biggy.</p>

<p>Good luck to everyone else! The Hokie Birds are coming!!! I know me saying that won’t help, but it’s the best I got :)</p>

<p>I cannot take this wait much longer! I want to call them every single day haha.</p>

<p>-____- I want a Hokie birdddddd, I already signed my lease in terrace view for an apt with my friends l</p>