Virginia Tech FA/12 Transfer

<p>Lol but I’m at radford so it’s a 20 minute drive… But still annoying</p>

<p>Hey guys. For all those that got the hokie bird can you help me what I should be looking for. Is it on the applicant status page when you click on the term? or is it on the previous page? Just wondering. Thank you for the help. I really love VT!!! AHHH HOPE TO BE A POTENTIAL STUDENT :)</p>

<p>Yea get an apartment! If I get in I want on campus housing hahaha</p>

<p>Patriotsrule98: congrats! What are your stats if you don’t mind me asking? Are you a freshman applicant or sophomore applicant?</p>

<p>And this is what it looks like on mine…minus the edits haha</p>

<p><a href=“http://www.■■■■■■■■■■/photos/77515452@N08/6894549508/in/photostream[/url]”>http://www.■■■■■■■■■■/photos/77515452@N08/6894549508/in/photostream&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>My stats are:</p>

<p>Freshman at an out of state college even though I live in VA</p>

<p>First Semester: 3.69 GPA</p>

<p>English 102- A
History of Western Art - A
Univ 101 - A
Computer Science w/Lab - B
Calculus - Withdrew (no penalty)</p>

<p>Second Semester - 4.0 at the moment
Calculus - A
Psychology 101 - A
Geology 101 w/ Lab - A
Speech 140 - A
Business Management 371 - A</p>

<p>They emailed me and ONLY asked me for my calculus midterm grade, not the others. </p>

<p>I am applying to Pamplin</p>

<p>Wow that’s awesome, congrats! Our stats are very similar, only they have not asked me for a midterm grade. Still keeping my fingers crossed though!</p>

<p>HOKIEEEEEEEEEE BIRDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Hell Yeah… I still can’t believe it :slight_smile: Checked this morning & there was nothing. Wanna scream till my throat gets sore lol</p>

<p>Questions: when i click on the bird it redirects me to another page and it says:
“There is no transfer evaluation processed as of this date. If you have forwarded all final copies of your transfer transcripts to us, please allow more time for processing. Continue to check this website for updates to your transfer credit record.”
So is this normal? </p>

<p>If i don’t do that well on this spring semester just in case, suppose if i get C on any subject or my gpa drops a lot, would they reject me?</p>

<p>I hope y’all get it soon too :)</p>

<p>yea, when I click on my hokie bird it says that too. I think it may be just because we just got it today and their still looking at it? I dunno… as for the GPA I think a C would be ok… like if that’s the only one… </p>

<p>But if their is a specific class that you need… like for me I HAVE to have at LEAST a B in my calculus class at the end of the semester of I get rescinded, as for my other classes I dunno.</p>

<p>@patriotsrule98 Congratz for the hokie bird. Did they tell u that u have to have at least a B in calculus? I am just curious because i am also taking cal 174 (cal2?) this semester.
I am just not so sure about the Physics class. I might end up getting a C (hope not). Other classes should be fine.
Btw did u mention in your application which one would be your major?
I mentioned to go for Computer Engr.</p>

<p>Thanks you too! And for me I don’t know if our maths are different, but I’m in Math 122 at my school which is calc for business majors, and the admissions guy said that class is a requirement to get in. </p>

<p>I’m applying to pamplin, but I honestly can’t remember what major I put down haha</p>

<p>@patriotsrule98 Thanks. I wasn’t sure about your major since your classes cover quite a wide array of area. Once i thought you were going for Computer Science :slight_smile:
haha so do you think when you will receive your admission letter, you can recognize your selected major or you will be like ‘aahhh is that really my major?’ lol jk</p>

<p>I am just wondering about one thing. The assistant director of undergraduate admission replied to my email this morning and she looked into my application. After that i got the hokie bird. Coincidence maybe? I think not.</p>

<p>Nah first semester I was actually an engineering major, but then decided I didn’t want to do it anymore so I transferred to business and that’s why I’m applying to pamplin. </p>

<p>I don’t know about the admissions person, but it sounds like mine too. I got an email asking for my calc midterm grade on saturday, I sent the grade on sunday, got a response from him today, saying thanks for sending the grade and then tonight I got the hokie bird.</p>

<p>I dunno if that’s a coincidence or not… but hopefully our status’s will change maybe by the end of the week? Some people got the hokie bird and then 4-5 days later their status was changed to accepted.</p>

<p>Ahhh lucky >:/</p>

<p>@ChelseaM Hope to see you soon in the same boat :slight_smile: Since you haven’t heard anything, your application might not be reviewed yet as they have to go through a lot. I know it’s easier to say but you just have to be patient i guess. I contacted the admission office a few times, financial aid office, and emailed quite nicely the assistant director at the end of the last week and got hokie bird now. I donno if emailing her accelerated the process or not.</p>

<p>@patriotsrule98 yeah i hope so too. I can’t tell my relatives/friends until i receive the actual offer. It would be a disaster if something bad happens & i miss the offer for some reason. So have to hold on to it till then.
I think i have seen posts here saying for some ppl it took about 2 weeks. <em>Hoping for the best, preparing for the worst</em></p>

<p>@patriotsrule, why do you say you HAVE to get a B in calculus or you get rescinded? I read that you can’t get anything lower than a ‘C’ in any of your courses and your GPA cannot drop ‘significantly.’ I feel like a C is fine as long as it’s not a ‘C-’.</p>

<p>I think it’s just specific for me, because I’m in math 122 for business majors and he said that, this class is REQUIRED to be admitted into pamplin, ie I think he means I have to do well in the course because it may be a pre-requisite for other math courses I will have to take later? I dunno…</p>

<p>congrats everyone!! i hope mine comes soon.</p>

<p>Just to comfort everyone who haven’t got accepted or the hokie bird yet, as i was browsing through the last year posts i found out that a lot of students got the hokie bird and were accepted during the second and third week of April.
So don’t lose your hope yet :)</p>

<p>I mean, I’m taking Business Calculus as well and I’ve been led to believe that the ‘C’ gets you the credit, while anything below a ‘C’ will get your acceptance rescinded. On their transfer page they talk about the 3 cases that can get your acceptance rescinded and that’s (summarized)</p>

<li><p>If you don’t submit your Final UG College Transcript</p></li>
<li><p>If you get anything below a ‘C’ in any of your current courses as listed on your application or if you failed to complete any of these courses.</p></li>
<li><p>If your final grades are ‘significantly’ lower than your previous academic record, indicating a declining performance.</p></li>

<p>Does anybody have any idea as to what ‘significant’ means when they talk about rescinding an acceptance if your grades significantly drop off? I’m really worried because as of right now, I have 2 C’s but my GPA for the semester would be a 3.0 because I have 2 A’s and a B. My GPA when I applied was a 3.4, and I feel like there’s no way I’d get withdrawn because of a 3.0 but ya never know. Does anybody have any knowledge as to how ‘significant’ your grade dropoff has to be in order for them to revoke an acceptance?</p>

<p>I apologize, I read the email wrong, it says I must maintain a B to remain competitive. I apologize. </p>

<p>Once this grade is received, a final decision will be made and you will be notified regarding your admission status. Please keep in mind that you must earn a grade of B or better in this course in order to be competitive for admission. Feel free to contact me if you have questions or need clarification regarding your admission status.</p>