Virginia Tech FA/12 Transfer

<p>So that’s just for your case? I’m kind of worried right now because I have a low B in Business Calc right now and the class is a 10 point scale so if I get a 79 then it’s only a C.</p>

<p>Does anybody else have an opinion or an answer as to my previous question about how ‘significant’ your grade drop has to be for them to rescind your acceptance? For example, I have a 3.4 right now but it looks like I’ll get around a 3.0 this semester because of 2 C’s. Do you think I’m okay if this ends up being the case?</p>

<p>I got the hokie bird last Friday, and received an email today saying that they received my FAFSA. They also said they are still reviewing my application…so I’m not sure if the hokie bird actually means that you have gotten in.</p>

<p>Wow. I really hope that you’re wrong, quadraca. I’ve been led to believe for the past 3 years that the Hokie Bird means you’re getting your acceptance very soon. </p>

<p>I will be extremely disappointed if I don’t get in after getting the Hokie Bird.</p>

<p>that’s weird because i’m applying to pamplin as well and i haven’t taken business calculus yet…all the email asking for my midterms said was that i need a 3.0 gpa to remain competitive, im so confused haha</p>

<p>VTtransfer7- I think with a B (3.0) you will still be okay. Maybe you should email and ask. Just do your absolute best and study your butt off for those two borderline C classes. I’ll have to do the same for my Minerals class if I get a Hokie bird.</p>

<p>Thanks everybody. That makes me feel a little better. Believe me JennyK, I am going to on-campus tutors, meeting with the professors, and going to the library constantly to try to hammer all the material in so I can bring it up. It would be one of the worst feelings in the world if I end up getting an acceptance (I got the Hokie Bird so I’m desperately waiting) and then I get rescinded because of 2 C’s. I’d be devastated.</p>

<p>But the more people that I talk to that have knowledge about transfers say that if I get accepted, there’s no way they’d rescind it if I got a 3.0 for my last semester. I hope they’re right.</p>

<p>JMUgirl, are you at JMU now? If so, what year? And what maths have you taken? Some colleges have different names for courses which are all essentially ‘Business Calculus’ classes.</p>

<p>VTtransfer7…i’m currently a second semester freshman at JMU and i’m taking calculus 205 this semester which i know is introductory calc so i have no idea?</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure you’re fine. Worst case scenario, you’d have to take another math at Tech, but in no way will that class restrict you from getting accepted. I wouldn’t worry too much about it. What’s your GPA?</p>

<p>ah you’re so optimistic haha thank you, my current gpa is a 3.3 and the email told me to remember that i need a 3.0 to remain competitive so i’m hoping it’ll be fine? i hope.</p>

<p>I think you’re good. I got the Hokie Bird with a 3.4 and another kid on here got in with a 3.1 so you are certainly competitive. Just keep the faith and patience. I know it sucks.</p>

<p>Anybody get a hokie bird yet??</p>

<p>They just got my other transcript in today…</p>

<p>Excuse my ignorance, but… what is the Hokie Bird that everyone’s talking about? I mean, I know it’s the mascot of course but have people been getting e-mails with that? Because I just got an e-mail from CLAHS saying that I got accepted, but I never got anything before that…</p>

<p>@marya, the Hokie Bird that everybody has been talking about is located on your application status page online. Supposedly in years past, everybody that has gotten the Bird has gotten an acceptance soon after the Bird was placed on their app page. I’ve never heard of anybody getting denied when they got the Bird.</p>

<p>Did you ever check your app page online? Because I’ve also heard that they email you your acceptance as well as update your online application status page.</p>

<p>Out of curiosity, have any transfer students applying to the Summer Session II Engineering school heard back yet (accepted/waitlisted)?</p>

<p>To anyone worrying about business calc, I’m sorry if I confused you. In the email it said that I just had to maintain a B to remain competitive. </p>

<p>Also, how do you know if you got accepted or not? I got the hokie bird already, but I don’t know where they would update my admission on the status page? Do they send you like an email?</p>

<p>Weenlove, I am applying as a transfer to the engineering program and I got the hokie bird.</p>

<p>Oh and vt transfer…admissions said I would hear decisions on the last week on April. She knows that I have the hokie bird</p>


<p>The admissions office said that if you got the Hokie Bird recently that we won’t find out our official decision until the last week of April? If that is true then that is ridiculous. Everybody else that has gotten the Bird has heard no later than 2 weeks. If it’s the last week of April, that would put me at a month. I CANNOT WAIT THAT LONG! Waiting sucks.</p>