Virginia Tech FA/12 Transfer

<p>tuvt314… I am sort of in the same position as you are. I applied to V-Tech after high school, and got in. However, due to financial aid problems, I attended a local 2 year community college… I am at the end of my semester and currently hold a 2.94 CUM avg. GPA. Reason due to my low GPA is because of my 1st year, where I had worked full time at a job, which I guess affected my overall GPA quite a bit. -cross fingers and wait-</p>

<p>hotzag has your status changed yet?</p>

<p>Jordan, I applied for business…which i hear is super hard to get into :confused:
Praying I get in! :)</p>

<p>Yeah, i’ve heard that too. Good luck, though!</p>

<p>I’m more worried that they’ll take my HS GPA into consideration, as i’m a second semester freshman. My HS GPA was just…so bad. haha. I’m crossing my fingers that they’ll take into consideration that i’ve had 2 years experience in the army after high school, so I got my stuff together afterwards. but who knows :/</p>

<p>jordanne are you applying as a Cadet?</p>

<p>Jordanne, even if you’re a transfer they need a HS transcript but it doesn’t affect your admission. That makes a lot of people very happy. :slight_smile: Good luck!</p>

<p>No, i’m not applying as a cadet. I was enlisted but recieved an honorable discharge.</p>

<p>What really worries me, however, is that I haven’t taken an English class yet. I plan on testing out of it this semester as soon as I have the money to pay the CLEP fee. :(</p>

<p>yeah I’m kinda worried too. I’ll have 60 credits at the end of this semester but a few of them won’t transfer to Virginia Tech and I don’t know how much of an impact that will make.</p>

<p>I think if you have extra credits that don’t have a match, they make as many of those as possible count for elective credits.</p>

<p>what do you mean?</p>

<p>For example, I took drawing 1, 2, and life drawing at my old school. Tech only offers drawing 1 and drawing 2. So what happens to life drawing? As a studio art major they use the credits I got in life drawing and transfer them as one of my studio electives. </p>

<p>So there’s a good chance they can do this with any of your outlier credits.</p>

<p>So is everyone’s “Final UG College Transcript” section blank and waiting?</p>

<p>Yea, those wont show up until after you actually send in your final transcripts after this semester is over</p>

<p>I see a Hokie Bird on my application summary. Is this good? My CUM GPA is not that “good”, however I sent Virginia Tech my old HS SAT score which was 2,080. Any chance for me getting into Virginia Tech having the “hokie bird” on my application summary. The hokie bird says underneath. Your Transfer Credit Evaluation may be complete. And then when clicked it says There is no transfer evaluation processed as of this date. If you have forwarded all final copies of your transfer transcripts to us, please allow more time for processing. Continue to check this website for updates to your transfer credit record.</p>

<p>definitely a good sign. I’m jealous!</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure the Hokie Bird means you were accepted, but don’t quote me on that.</p>

<p>when did you submit your application and when did they receive your transcripts?</p>

<p>Final High School Transcript 02/07/12<br>
College 1 Transcript 02/07/12<br>
Final UG College Transcript<br>
Signed Honor Statement 01/31/12</p>

<p><em>I also submitted my old HS SAT of 2,080/2.400 on 2/04/12.</em> Even though it was not required, I still sent it.</p>

<p>When should I expect the decision through mail? </p>

<p>I called Virginia Tech admissions, and they said the admissions are still currently reviewing my application… </p>

<p>I got into JMU as well! I am so excited. I am sort of torn between Virginia Tech & JMU decision for transfer. I applied through Pamplin for Virginia Tech and College of Business for JMU. My CUM GPA is not good as I have my stats stated from previous post on this forum. I have all A’s (100%) as of right now btw. MY GPA has risen dramatically after my 1st and 2nd semester from a 2.7ish - 1st year stats to 4.0’s each semester after my fall and spring of my first year. Reason for my “bad” GPA during my first year of fall and spring was due to working full time at a job, which was my first job. I am extremely nervous as well as excited at the same time.<br>
P.S. I also killed the essays that were “optional” on the application. </p>

<p>Note: I got into Virginia Tech, Penn State University, and etc (I can’t recall on top of my head) after my HS year. <- I am not sure if that is the reason for getting the hokie bird. Reason for not attending either was due to not getting financial aid and personal issues. </p>

<p>I am crossing my fingers until the decisions get mailed. </p>

<p>Anyone know when Virginia Tech start sending the first wave of decisions by any chance?</p>

<p>I just got off the phone with the UG admissions and one nice lady told me that she herself was a transfer student as well and have received a “Hokie bird” when she applied and got in. Looks like the Hokie Bird is a “good” sign.</p>

<p>Also, if you don’t know how to spot the “hokie bird” on your application it is right above your application summary on the right. If you hover your mouse over the hokie bird, it says “hokie bird” hahaha.</p>

<p>I think for those who have received a “hokie bird” will get there decisions mailed on the first wave, which I don’t know what date it is. If someone knows please post the date!</p>

<p>Don’t know if this applies for this year, but when I applied as a transfer, I got my decision online first. There was no email saying that a decision had been made, I just had to check the page daily and one day it was there. I also had a Hokie Bird for about a month & a half before getting my decision, which was in the second wave at the end of March. There was a first wave of decisions at the end of Feb/beginning of March that year too, but I don’t know if admissions is still doing that. Hope this info helps!</p>