Virginia Tech FA/12 Transfer

<p>quadraca22: May I ask you what your stats are, just to get an idea of the competition? (I’ve no Hokie Bird!)</p>

<p>Vtransfer…yea I know, it’s a pain but hey you got the hokie bird! And my stats are 3.84 after freshmen year. Applying to engineering.</p>

<p>God if they really don’t tell until the end of April I’m going to be ****ed. Why would you do that, just tell us as we’re accepted. -_-</p>

<p>Really they blocked p issed. Grow up</p>

<p>Hey Chelsea, do you have a hokie bird on your status???</p>

<p>Are you kidding me? Wait till April till I find out if I got accepted? WOW.</p>

<p>I know that no Hokie Bird doesn’t necessarily = Rejection, but I’m feeling much more anxious about my application now that I’ve heard other Engineering applicants (quadraca22, congrats!) have been accepted…</p>

<p>My high school stats weren’t too great (screwed around 'till Senior year, same old sob story). I had a 3.29 UW GPA, ~3.82 weighted. 2070 SATs.</p>

<p>This year I’m vice president of my freshman class and finished the first semester off with a 3.70 (and I’ll probably have a similar GPA this semester). I was thinking I’d have a decent chance, but then again VT Engineering is pretty competitive.</p>

<p>Does anyone have similar (or, particularly, lesser) stats to mine but also end up receiving a Hokie Bird?</p>

<p>Good luck to everyone, just another month!</p>

<p>Hokie Birdddd What took you SOOOO LONG :slight_smile:
So relieved right now…</p>

<p>Haha told you it would come. Congratulations. Now you get to wait with the rest of us till the end of April apparently for them to change our status.</p>

<p>@PainKiller congrats! Was there any change on the application itself from when you submitted your application to getting the Hokie bird?</p>

<p>Thankx you all…
If we all could wait this long then we can wait a bit longer…
I just feel sooo good and relieved right now…
@jennyK I just checked and the only difference is the hokie bird thats all…</p>

<p>Hey painkiller! Congrats!! :slight_smile: I was just wondering when you had your application in by, so I can kind of see when I should be expecting a potential hokie bird (I HOPE!!!) EEEEEH SO EXCITED!!! btw what is the major you applied as?</p>

<p>Thanx man…
I submitted my application on the 26th of Feb. I applied as a biochem major… Don’t worry man the birds are coming haha.
Btw my gpa was a 3.23, but I got to say I wrote some nice essays.
Good Luck.</p>

<p>Hey how do yo you guys check your app status? Where will the decision show up after you log in to the application Vtech info system?</p>

<p>Also, my application says “Summer Session 2” when I applied for Fall. Anyone else does this?</p>

<p>all people that applied as engineers, are automatically put dot for summer session 2. It is optional, but it gives potential transfer students to catch up on any course work that is necessary towards their curriculum as an engineer</p>

<p>Ugh no :,( thanks for reminding me… Hahahah jk :wink:
But seriously where muh bird</p>

<p>Chelsea!!! where my bird too hahaha?!?!?!?!? Where are you transfering from?</p>

<p>No hokie bird :(</p>

<p>Ughhh same here :(</p>