Virginia Tech FA/12 Transfer

<p>chelsea, i’m not sure about his major but i’m pretty sure he had a 4.0 or something really close :confused: i wouldn’t worry about where you’re coming from if you’ve got the grades</p>

<p>Hey guys I was reading this and I saw that some of you are worried about getting your acceptance revoked. Just so you know, you are not the only ones. I have been accepted but am scared to death I will get below a C in Chem and Calc. I know I’m going to pull through because I HAVE to. But I just wanted to let you guys know that you are not the only ones stressing out. Going to Virginia Tech is my dream, my “acceptance” fb status got 100 likes, and my father announced it to my church when I was at school. So it would be horrible if it got revoked but I’m not going to let that happen. Just to let you guys know you are not the only ones stressing.</p>

<p>whehokie: Thanks for the post, that does help calm the nerves a bit. The course I’m fearful about, I gave the last two exams, waiting on the result. I need at least 65 in both exams. Cutting it close but hopefully I’ll be good.</p>

<p>In regards to all the pressure, same here, going to tech is a dream.</p>

<p>what if someone drops the course, not withdraw but dropped it before, does that makes a difference in decision?</p>

<p>yeah it does make a difference</p>

<p>So no one want’s to be post #666? :smiley:
Anyone know when the next wave is?</p>

<p>It’s because post #666 is bad luck especially when your on CC.</p>

<p>I assume next wave is either next week or 2 weeks from today. Check on Virginia Tech’s facebook and also try calling them on office hours.</p>

<p>Thanks! I hope I didn’t just screw myself over there. ;)</p>

<p>Hey you all, I was reading the 2011 forum again and found a couple of interesting stuff.

  1. There was a student who got the hokie bird on the 14th of April and got in on the 15th.
    (so for those of you who still don’t have a hokie bird, there is still time…)
  2. Many of the students who had gotten the hokie bird on their application after the 30th of March, got in around the 15th of April.
    Hope this helps…
    <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Oh wow. I literally just got accepted. :smiley: Anyway, it really bothers me that no one really posts this after getting accepted but I checked my VTech status page and it’s changed to accepted and let’s me click a link that says whether I want to pay my $400 dollars now :smiley: but if you have other questions I WILL TOTES ANSWER THEM. k cool G0dsp33d all~</p>

<p>dangit, I just checked mine and no accpetence yet haha.</p>

<p>When did you get your hokie bird?</p>

<p>oh just kidding I got accepted XD</p>

<p>It was at the bottom and didn’t even see it!</p>

<p>hmmm I literally didn’t check my status page till my first post (which was earlier this week…) so I don’t know the exact date I got it :\ but I didn’t have it the beginning of March because I checked then as well. Yea, I thought everyone was updating this thread because it was not loading for me for a while…aka 5 minutes…</p>

<p>Accepted!!! So excited!!! :slight_smile:
Just checked after reading the posts above…
I checked mine like an hour ago and there was nothing…</p>

<p>ahhhhh yeaaaaaa congratulations guys. Now lets not get recinded :)</p>

<p>Omg, why would I want to get rescinded D:</p>


<p>I said “lets not get recinded” haha</p>

<p>Yea lets try our besttt…</p>

<p>Oh LOL yUp.</p>