Virginia Tech FA/12 Transfer

<p>How do you check ur status???</p>

<p>Go to the website, click applying to VT on the side, click on transfers, and on the right side you should see check status. Log in from there.</p>

<p>Just Checked and I have HOKIE BIRD on my status page</p>

<p>@Speddy93 Congrats. That means you are in ;)</p>

<p>What I was fearing has happened. I received a D in one of my classes. </p>

<p>So it seems that my acceptance will now be revoked. </p>

<p>Any next steps? It says on their website that I have to submit in writing if I get something below a C.What should I do?</p>

<p>I think you have till the end of the year to bring it up, so just study your butt off to get it up.</p>

<p>If your class already ended then yea, you have to send a written letter explaining what happened. You can probably email vt undergraduate admissions (<a href=“”></a>) and ask them for a little more information.</p>

<p>This is what they said on vt website:</p>

<p>“You fail to complete any current coursework, as indicated on your application, or you receive a grade below “C” in any of these courses. Please notify our office in writing if you must withdraw from any classes, or if you will receive any grade lower than a “C”.”</p>

<p>@CIVILengineer17 And I thought I had it bad… Are you first gen? I’m trying to figure out which variables are coming into play when applicants with lesser GPAs to ours are being accepted over us =o</p>

<p>Still…no…hokieee bird</p>

<p>@weenlove2468, yeah I am first gen. I think the reason is that I am from out-of-state. So they will probably still review mine last even though i had it completed back in January… It just really sucks. I am really hoping to get in. I hope this week will be our week. I think we can do it :slight_smile: There is nothing else we could have done. I know I am a great student, I just hope they can realize that too.</p>

<p>Wannabehokiee, I feel ya -___-</p>

<p>no hokie bird for me either :(</p>

<p>As transfers, can we get waitlisted?</p>

<p>No i dont think so…</p>

<p>Has anyone in the past been known to receive an acceptance letter ever without a Hokie Bird on their status page?</p>

<p>I doubt it because I think they need to do your credit evaluation to get accepted!</p>

<p>I got my hokie bird this morning. I am applying for the fall of 2012 and am currently in my second semester at odu. 3.23 hs gpa and 3.5 first semester gpa. I had plenty of sports and AP classes and credits from high school dont know if that helped or not. good luck to all.</p>

<p>hokie bird for sure means accepted ? Next to the bird it says your tranfer credit evaluation may be complete and then it gives me a link that does not work.</p>

<p>Political science/ Pre law.</p>

<p>no bird for me either YET…</p>

<p>No bird for me… but congrats LXAbro!</p>

<p>[Have</a> you heard?](<a href=“Bird Is The Word! | Season 7 | FAMILY GUY - YouTube”>Bird Is The Word! | Season 7 | FAMILY GUY - YouTube)</p>