Virginia Tech FA/12 Transfer

<p>^Favorite episode of all time.</p>

<p>Posting that was pure brilliance, btw.</p>

<p>*youtube episode.</p>

<p>lol I love that video :)</p>

<p>Good news for anybody worrying about the possibility of getting their acceptance rescinded.</p>

<p>I just got the actual acceptance packet in the mail and basically the only way you’ll get rescinded is if you get below a ‘C.’ On their page, it says that they can also rescind your acceptance if your gpa ‘significantly’ drops during your last semester so that was one of the ones that got me very worried because I feel like it’s so arbitrary and you don’t really know how ‘significant’ they mean.</p>

<p>So, in the acceptance packet it says that besides the “below a C” and not turning in your final transcripts, the only other way you’ll get rescinded is if your GPA for this semester falls below a 2.0. I’m pretty sure everybody is safe in that category. So if anybody was worried about getting rescinded because of a couple C’s, worry no more! Just make sure you don’t get anything below a ‘C.’ Good luck everybody!</p>

<p>are you guys certain hokie bird is acceptance. and how long does it take usually for ppl to get the official acceptance?</p>

<p>But what happens if you get just a single D and everything else is B’s and A’s?</p>

<p>@Speddy93 I think we all are 99.9999% certain that hokie bird means acceptance. So far everybody in this thread were accepted if they received hokie bird. So have you got one?</p>

<p>@VTtransfer7 I hope not to get lower than ‘C’ but what if by chance i get lower than ‘C’? Is there any way to avoid getting rescinded?</p>

<p>@MominHaq you beat me on that by a fraction of a second lol</p>

<p>Still no Bird ;_; They might as well just flip me the bird with all the pain they’re causing me =’(</p>

<p>JK but congrats to everyone who’s heard so far. Those in the same boat as me: hang in there!</p>

<p>This is quite confusing. I also got the acceptance packet by mail but it has two different policies listed for the ‘C’ grade.</p>

<p>On top, there was a letter from the Director of the Undergraduate Admission saying:
“Please keep in mind that the offer of admission MAY be withdrawn if (1) your final transcript is not received by the deadline on the Final Requirements sheet, or (2) your spring grades show a decline in academic performance. You must submit your final official transcripts by June 1, 2012. As noted on the Final Requirements sheet, your offer of admission MAY be withdrawn if your spring semester GPA falls below a 2.0 or IF YOU RECEIVE A ‘C’ OR LOWER in specific courses required for your intended major.”</p>

<p>Now the Final Requirements sheet says:</p>

<p>“Your offer of admission WILL BE withdrawn under the following circumstances:
(1), (2) same as above
(3) You fail to complete any current coursework, as indicated on your application, or YOU RECEIVE A GRADE BELOW ‘C’ in any of these courses. Please notify our office in writing if you must withdraw from any classes, or if you will receive any grade lower than ‘C’ “</p>

<p>I think i’ll call the office just to make sure or if there’s any way around it.</p>

<p>Yes, the words MAY and WILL BE are of concern, I like the former better. </p>

<p>Also to increase even more confusion I did call a few days ago and asked if getting a C will get it revoked but the lady on the phone(head of admission) said that doesnt see how one C can cause them to revoke it. </p>

<p>But my concern is with a D. If The revocation MAY be withdrawn then there is hope, otherwise there is none. For me at least.</p>

<p>I know that this is pure speculation but for those of you who have been following the forum for as long as me, does it seem like people are receiving hokie birds on their status pages in groups according to their major? It seemed like several engineering applicants got the Hokie Bird at the same time. I’m just wondering because I am a Political Science major and LXAbro is the first person on this thread to mention polysci and it kinda got my hopes up that maybe this week I would finally hear something from admissions. Has anyone else noticed this trend or just me? Also, I’m an instate applicant at a 4 year university as well as LXAbro</p>

<p>It seems like it, but I think the reality is that there are just a whole lot less of us who aren’t business or engineering majors. Did you turn your stuff in later? I got mine all settled around 3/22 and I’m an art kid. So I think that when our application was completed seems to be more of an indicator of when we’ll find out. I think this Friday we might have another wave.</p>

<p>Yea I considered that maybe it’s just because of the much greater numbers of engineering and business scholars but I am just trying to keep my hopes up. This waiting is really stressful. I’m still trying to believe that VT admits by groups of majors and hope that this week will bring me good news</p>

<p>Also, what are your stats? I’m sure you’ll be fine!</p>

<p>I got everything in by 1/15 this year so I don’t think that’s it, because I have no Hokie bird. But it does seem to be going by major and community college and out of state, there’s some pattern. I still haven’t seen any bio majors get a bird yet but there aren’t very many or any on this forum lol I read the last year forum and all the bio majors got in the first wave -___- of course not the year I apply :,(</p>

<p>I’m a sophmore at a 4 year in-state university. I have a 3.14 currently but have a 4.0 for this semester and had a 4.0 last semester as well. It’s not the best GPA but I hope that I’m still competitive enough to be accepted especially since most people who apply to Tech don’t apply to the Political Science major.</p>


<p>haha that’s what my friends doing. </p>

<p>He has a 3.5 applying poli sci from an out of state college, but then again he got arrested for being drunk on VT’s campus too… so haha</p>

<p>Hey chelseaM, I am a BioChem major and I was accepted last fridayyy…</p>