Virginia Tech FA/12 Transfer

<p>Wait, you had the Hokie Bird for about a month and a half? Does that mean I won’t get my decisions during the first wave? Also,what do you think about the hokie bird sign?</p>

<p>Hello, I am a freshman biotech major at JMU, in the honors program, and currently have a 3.65 college GPA and 3.62 high school GPA. I also have 12 credits of prior dual enrollment college credit in which I got all A’s, although I don’t know if they factor that in as a GPA. I am trying to transfer to Biochemistry at VT. Chances, anyone? Also, I saw something on another page on the site I didn’t notice before. I turned in my application a while ago and thought I had everything in according to what is on the main page for transfer requirements, but I found something in another transfer guide that said I need a “A typed or written statement outlining all academic and work experience since graduation from high school and reasons why you wish to transfer to Virginia Tech.” Is that referring to the statement on the application, or an entirely separate document? If so, on the app it said for that area only to say why I wanted to transfer to tech so I didn’t mention much of ALL my prior work. It was a fairly brief statement. Am I forgetting something? Also, the application date has been extended to March 1st so luckily I can still request a change or turn something in if necessary.</p>

<p>ah i’m so jealous! haha now i’m thinking i’m not getting in since I dont see a hokie bird D:</p>

<p>If you stated your reasons for wanting to attend Virginia Tech on the application, that is fine. Don’t stress too much on the application, your GPA looks fine though. Good Luck!</p>

<p>@ jordanne, don’t lose hope! I believe the reason why I see the hokie bird is because I sent them my SAT scores and wrote a killer essay. You still got March, April, and I believe May also. I will be sure to keep you guys updated on any news!</p>

<p>Don’t worry too much jordanne, you’re a second semester freshman like me, so we don’t really get first priority in the reviewing process. So you shouldn’t probably expect to see a hokie bird yet I would assume. Not until a little while at least. But I hope it all goes well for you!</p>

<p>Yeah, haha. I’m just paranoid. I’m sure a lot of us are.</p>

<p>I’m sure it has no signifigance but has anyone else had the section for UG final transcript, and signed statement get the right hand column cut off (where the school names are) but then show up a couple days later? (maybe a computer error?)</p>

<p>Hey guys, Im also trying to transfer to VT. JUst have a question about the status page. Does anyone else’s status page say that their application term is Summer Session II? I applied for Fall, so im just wondering if thats just what its supposed to say?</p>

<p>Same here speedy. Is your major engineering? I believe it goes from fall to summer session II if you’re engineering because you may have to start in the summer.</p>

<p>Ya I am an engineering major and that makes sense. Thanks</p>

<p>any new info, anyone?</p>

<p>nope. im guessin most of us wont hear back until the end of March/April. That’s how it was last year anyway</p>

<p>anyone know why they extended the transfer deadline to March 1st? </p>

<p>Maybe it was a weak pool of transfer applicants so far?</p>

<p>I know some have refuted it but I don’t see how 2 school shootings and a school in the same state reaching the final four doesn’t affect the numbers in some way. I’ve heard VCU received 20% more applicants than their recent average…</p>

<p>I have a friend who goes to tech, and he said it’s probably because not as many people applied as they had planned for. but I dont know.</p>

<p>This is my second semester at NVCC. I was wait-listed in vt engineering during my senior year of high school. Got the Hokie bird on my app status page with the link on 2/24. I found some new info. about the Hokie Bird and the transfer credit evaluation, not sure if I’m right. Here is the link- <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;
Read the section “Transfer credit evaluation.” I’m not sure if anyone mentioned this link before.
According to this, only the students who are offered admission have access to the transfer credit evaluation site.
Crossing my fingers :)</p>

<p>I remember when I was denied admission as an incoming Freshman, and I had no Hokie bird on my application. So it’s got to be a good sign!</p>

<p>@Jennyk13. I was wait-listed but didn’t make it though. But this time I applied as a transfer student after my first semester at nvcc. I think Hokie bird only appears in transfer applications. Last year some of my friends got in from high school and they didn’t get the Hokie Bird.</p>

<p>Oh that’s interesting!</p>

<p>Weird that y’all are already getting the hokie bird. Oh well, time to wait it out like everyone else I guess.</p>