Virginia Tech FA/12 Transfer

<p>Well only a few are getting the hokie bird right now because from what I understand Virginia Tech sends out decisions through mail by “waves” I believe there are 4-6 “waves”. The first wave goes out end of February or early March, then the next wave goes 1-2 weeks afterwards. By early April, 60-75% of transfer applicants should have received a decision through mail or a “hokie bird” on there page. Then the remaining gets sent out in the month of April. It would not make sense to send out all the decisions through mail at a single time.</p>

<p>Do you get your decision earlier if you sent in the application earlier? and Did anyone else hear back? cause I know someone who got in today</p>

<p>were they a transfer or senior in high school?</p>

<p>So I got a question… I submitted my application on the 25th of February and got the confirmation letter on the 27th of Feb. Ok so my question is; when are they going to send me the email where I can check my application status. And Where is the hokie bird located on the page??? Plz Help anyoneee… :)</p>

<p>He’s a transfer…freshman at Radford. and Painkiller the status page email takes a few days, almost a week i think</p>

<p>what was his gpa</p>

<p>^^^ Yea what was his gpa.</p>

<p>And to that other person, that almost sounds too good to be true.</p>

<p>You submit your application and two days later you get the letter of acceptance? It probably takes two days to mail that thing, so they didn’t even look at anyone elses application? I’m sorry, but that seems whack.</p>

<p>I’m not sure about his gpa, he put it as his Facebook status today that he got into VT so i wanted to see if anyone else got in to see if they sent the first wave out by any chance.</p>

<p>So far only VA community college students have gotten the Hokie Bird, right?</p>

<p>I am attending NVCC and got the Hokie Bird on 2/24/12. But not sure if only the VA community college students are getting it. By the way, when I click the link underneath the Hokie Bird, I see only the IB courses I took in high school are evaluated. I don’t see any college credits there. It didn’t change at all since the first day.
Anyone see any change yet?</p>

<p>Do I have to send the midterms if I applied to VT Engineering?</p>

<p>I think you should, just to be safe. Can I ask what your GPA is?</p>

<p>GPA 3.77 after my first semester at NVCC.
High School GPA 3.96</p>

<p>vthokie did you get into VT senior year? Seems like you for sure had the GPA</p>

<p>Anyone else from a 4 year univ waiting to hear back rather than VA community schools?</p>

<p>patriotsrule98 - I’m still waiting to hear back. I go to GMU</p>



<p>This is a somewhat late response, but they’ve done this often. They did it the year I applied & last year, so this is would make the 3rd year in a row. I don’t think it has anything to do with applicant pool or events here, but I wouldn’t really know. I’ve had experience in the admissions office so I know that you guys shouldn’t read too much into these things.</p>

<p>patriotsrule98…I was waitlisted in my senior year, because my SAT score was bad.</p>

<p>I just recieved an email from VT financial aid office saying that my financial aid is under review, and once the review is complete they will begin sending award notices to both new and continuing students in early April. Not sure if it means anything. </p>

<p>Did anybody recieve any email from VT financial aid office?</p>

<p>vthokie123, I also received the e-mail from the financial aid office. Only difference though is I am applying as a freshman undergraduate and not a transfer.</p>

<p>I’m also from a 4-year OoS university. I think it’s just that in-state CC students take priority for now, and OoS transfers will start hearing back a little bit later.</p>

<p>I can confirm second hand on the in-state CC student priority - I got my acceptance letter today as well.</p>