Virginia Tech FA/12 Transfer

<p>Now I’m officially VT Hokie. Just got the mail. Got accepted to college of engineering.
Good luck other people who has a Hokie Bird in the app status. I’m pretty sure it means u r in.</p>


<p>So far accepted to GMU, JMU, and V-Tech.
Current Stats: 3.47 CUM GPA
SAT : 2,080
HS GPA: 3.1 CUM GPA</p>

<p>Good Luck to Everyone!!!</p>

<p>Congrats, guys!!</p>

<p>Congrats to everybody who got in! Very anxious to hear back from Tech; this wait is killing me. VTHope12, do you mind posting your classes/stats? I’m applying for Business as well and would like to see how we compare which will help me know my chances a little better. Thanks.</p>

<p>Hey guys! So has everyone who has heard back been from the Virginia Community College system? I’m at a four year school and I’m getting anxious to hear back! Does anyone know how they modify the rolling decisions yet? I’ve tried asking admissions officers, but I always get the same answer “You’ll hear back on or before May 1st.”</p>

<p>For anyone who got into VT-Pamplin you mind comparing your stats to mine?</p>

<p>Freshman at U of South Carolina
First semester GPA - 3.69
HS GPA - 3.7
SAT - 1800</p>

<p>I got in as a freshman, and defered to attend the U of South Carolina… now I’m worried I won’t get back in haha</p>

1st Sem:
Pre-Algebra = A
Eng = A
Bio = B
Sdv= A</p>

<p>2nd Sem:
Eng A
Bio= C
Cst = A
3rd Semester
Bus = A
Acc = A
Statistics = A
Calc 1 = A</p>

<p>4th semester =
MacroEco = B
MicroEco = B
ITE = B</p>

<p>I’m actually choosing between VT and JMU for business atm. I don’t know where to go! I visited both school today and each were pretty. I would rank JMU social/atmosphere 10/10 and VT social/atmosphere 7/10. Such hard decisions >.<</p>

<p>Redskin- just wondering where did you get those stats/info from?</p>

<p>You got a decent shot patriots. Your GPA seems to be good.</p>

<p>so nobody from a 4 year college non eligible from honors has heard back yet correct?</p>

<p>vthope- thanks for the confidence boost haha.</p>

<p>josh- yea from what it seems only community college transfers have heard back yet…</p>

<p>Join the boat like us haha</p>

<p>I met with admissions lady and asked for the direct answer not just the same baloney they give out to regular eople</p>

<p>redskins… what had you posted? I don’t see it on the message thread, but it seems like you may have the answer to my question!</p>

<p>I also got the admission mail yesterday, and the status has been changed to “Acceptance” since I paid the matriculation fee today. I would need to take some courses (like linear algebra) at VT in summer before the fall semester begins though. Thanks y’all so much, hope everyone could hear a good news as well!</p>

<p>congrats hotzag!</p>

<p>Has anyone had to send in their mid semester grades to further evaluate their application?</p>

<p>shut up frank</p>


<p>No I haven’t, when I went in to talk to a admission person before Dec, he said that all they need is your first semester transcript grades, and then if you are accepted they will need your final transcript. No midterm grades.</p>

<p>Oh okay. Well I only say that because I met with a VT admissions person as well and she said they would like to see my midsemester grades to see how I have improved because my first semester wasn’t as well as it should be. I still haven’t heard anything so I’m just getting nervous!</p>