Virginia Tech FA/12 Transfer

<p>Oh well if the person you talked to said you should send them then you should for sure send them.</p>

<p>any idea when the next wave of decisions mailed out? i’m getting so impatient!</p>

<p>middle of this month i think</p>

<p>So, my community college FINALLY added the college credits I earned through the military onto my transcripts, so I sent the updated version today. Do you think they’ll even look at it, given that ive already sent in transcripts once (before the deadline)</p>


<p>I would email office of admissions and notify them of the update. I am sure they will look at it before giving you a decision. I had to send in my mid semester grades so my application was on hold until I sent them, I’m sure the situation is the same for you. As far as I am concerned, they will keep evaluating your application with new information given to them.</p>

<p>I applied as a transfer for the Fall of 2012. I am currently a sophomore.</p>

<p>College: University of Massachusetts Amherst
Major: Finance in the Isenberg School of Management
Cumulative College GPA: 3.81
1st semester: 3.6
2nd semester: 3.85
3rd semester: 4.0
Tons of extra circulars here like National Honour Society, Residence Hall Association, Lion’s Club, Beta Alpha Psi, etc.</p>

<p>High School GPA: 3.85
Rank: 22/260

<p>Anyone think I have a shot?</p>

<p>Absolutely! It may only be a little tough if you are applying to the school of business or architecture.</p>

<p>I sure hope so!! I’d love to go there <3</p>

<p>I applied to Pamplin as a Finance Major because that’s what I am majoring in now. </p>

<p>My grades have got increasingly better from a 3.6 first semester to a 4.0 for the third semester.</p>

<p>My application has been complete since February 7th so hopefully I find out sooner than later. </p>

<p>I also heard that they like out of state, especially Massachusetts. I wonder if this is true? :D</p>

<p>Just wondering… there was no spot to put extracurriculars/activities on the application… why put that down?</p>

<p>Quick Question… Will VT send an email or are they going to Just change the status…?Getting Anxious…</p>

<p>Hey guys! I applied to tech also, I’m a second semester freshman at Radford University right next to Tech. I already got my apartment at tech for next year with my friends so if I dont get in I’ll just commute the 11 miles. I had a 3.6 in highschool, never went and had ****ty SATs. Obviously I was denied to tech when I applied in high school. But now I’m a biology major getting good grades here, first semester: 3.733 i took:
bio 131 B
chem 101A
History 111 A
Stat 200 A
Univ 100 A
(came into college English 101 done)</p>

<p>Now I’m in
Bio 132 A
Chem 102 A
History 112 A
CORE (English) 102 A
Art 111 A</p>

<p>Anyone think I have a good chance? I’m in state, female and have a brother at tech.
Brother transfered from vcu the year before last also as a bio major with a 3.6 and no chemistry… </p>

<p>Wish I was seein that hokie bird!</p>

<p>Chelsea, I think you have a good shot at getting accepted. Being a Freshman with that kind of a GPA is beneficial because even if for some reason you get denied for this upcoming semester, you can just keep your grades up and reapply for Fall 2013. But I think you have a legitimate shot.</p>

<p>So have any 4 year-institution students found out yet? I know that a few CC students have gotten their acceptance letters but haven’t heard of anybody from 4 year universities. </p>

<p>Also, if anybody has gotten the Hokie Bird on their application status page, is it very noticeable? And did you guys receive an email on you being accepted or did you just get mail as well as an application status change on your page? Any help would be greatly appreciated as this wait is killingg me!</p>

<p>can someone chance me? I’m a second semester Freshman at East Carolina University. I got a 3.5 gpa and took all the required classes for my major (Agricultural Science). I am also applying Army ROTC and I am in several clubs and organizations. (Club Wrestling and Boxing, Circle K International, and National Honor Society) I also live in the leadership dorm.</p>

<p>Whehokie I think you have a good chance. If you go to College *******.com you can put in all your stats and it’ll put you on a chart. The site also takes into consideration your transfer stats which many other sites don’t. It’s given me a little peace of mind as to where I fall on their admission scale.</p>

<p>I have no idea why it blocked the website in my previous post. Here it is: college p r o w l e r and then search virginia tech.</p>

<p>Thanks VTtransfer7! I haven’t heard of any 4 year university students getting in yet… I wonder when that hokie bird will show up? I called admissions and she told me probably March 23</p>

<p>I don’t mean to be the downer here, but there was no place on the application to put down extracurricular/clubs so it doesn’t matter if you were in them or not… just saying.</p>

<p>^ Well there were 3 optional Personal Statements where you could basically put whatever you wanted or put whatever you felt that the Admissons Board should know. I’m sure some people elected to do that.</p>

<p>good point. Never thought of that.</p>