Virginia Tech Fall 2023 Waitlist

Keep in mind the waitlist stats are for all schools and majors. 35% eventually offered admission off the waitlist sounds like a lot but for popular/competitive majors like engineering and pamplin will be quite lower. Set your expectations accordingly and don’t count on getting off the waitlist


Visiting is the best way to kno w - She may really like Penn State, similar campus feel to VT (and better football lol)



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DD in same situation. Recently visited PSU and she loved it! Beautiful campus like VT and nice college town around it.

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We visited both as well. They are both nice campuses for sure. Just my 2 cents- I felt like the downtown area of Penn State was more cohesive with the school. Also- my husband had to go out at 2 am to get Advil and said it was quiet and very safe feeling. And yes- better football too!

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I completely agree with the idea that if you elect to be on the WL, mentally move on and re-visit if/when an offer comes but I’m not sure that without knowing how VT does their WL that I would declare that one major is less likely than another.
(using last years numbers)
Overall admit rate, 57%, enrolled 28%
Engineering, admit rate 55%, enrolled 23% (this would imply possibly a greater chance of getting off WL)
Pamplin, admit rate 53%, enrolled 33%

I would THINK they structure their WL making sure they have sufficient back-up by school/program should yields not pan out.

Admit rates vary not just by school. In-state admit rate is lower than oos. Engineering in-state was 43% last year compared to 59% OOs. Pamplin was 39% in state. There can also be differences when breaking down by gender, first-gen, etc.


Of course true (though that wasn’t your initial statement). And agree still on the guidance of “don’t count on getting off the WL”.

They would have shaped their WL based on the same criteria that they did the Admit’s. If someone was already in an ultra-competitive low admit demographic for original decision, they remain so through WL.

Good to know. Fingers crossed she loves it!


What’s a LOCI?

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Letter of Continued Interest.

In addition to clicking off the “button” that says you want to be waitlisted some folks also put together a formal letter to send to their admissions counselor with any updated relevant information and letting them know “this school is really really really my first choice” in hopes that when/if they start to pull from the WL that applicant will get the nod.

VT specifically states NOT to send one. Others schools may look at it differently.


@VTAdmissionsOfficial Regarding the Non Degree/Agricultural page, my son tried logging out, clearing his cache and logging in on a new browser but it didn’t correct the problem. I know you have people working on it but just wanted to share that feedback. Are you waiting to pull from the waitlist until the issue is resolved, or have you all confirmed it’s not affecting anything on your end? My son and I can’t help but worry that candidates affected by this glitch may not come up in searches or be in the right queue if you begin to pull from the waitlist for their respective majors. Thanks again in advance.

Hi there. It is not impacting anything related to your student or their application, nor does it impact potential waitlist pulls. It is a browser related issue where the browser is not allowing a URL redirect to take place. We are working with the appropriate external folks to see what can be done about it, but it is unfortunately outside of the scope of anything that Virginia Tech can do.


This issue should be resolved. Please let us know if there are any problems.


Thanks for the update. My son just checked his portal and everything looks good. :+1: Now we all wait with fingers and toes crossed for waitlist decisions.


It could be much higher than that. They don’t tell you how many kids they offer who say “thanks but no thanks”

It’s a bit of sleight of hand. 7,587 accepted a spot on the wait list and 2458 were admitted. But how many were accepted but not admitted?


Not sure you followed all the numbers in the thread above… There was a bit of an error on their common data set that they later corrected.

Number of qualified applicants offered a place on waiting list: 13,311
Number accepting a place on the waiting list: 7,587 57% accepted a place
Number of wait-listed students admitted: 2,458 32% were later admitted.

The 2,458 were sent letters of acceptance.
From that 592 accepted and enrolled into VT.

So yes the 32% is a real number of kids that later got an acceptance - but naturally by that point many had moved on and well into planning with a different school so only ~25% accepted the offer to enroll.


There are worse things than having to go to Penn State! I am bias though but she won’t be jealous of her twin sister at Wisco I promise :slight_smile: #WeAre


I think Penn State and Wisconsin play each other in the fall….a little rivalry. :woman_shrugging:

Happy Friday & Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
Has anyone mentioned yet they’ve gotten off the Waitlist? Any idea of when they start to make offers if they haven’t started yet? Thanks for any info from the insiders or those better informed than I:) haha.

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