Virginia Tech Regular Decision Thread

I got in!

Biochem major
Puerto Rican
3.97 gpa
1160 SAT
a lot of extra curricular activities

My son applied for Architecture; got a second choice offer second choice in Exploring CAUS. We were very surprised because his uweighted GPA is 3.79, weighted GPA is 4.9, SAT 1520, attended Vtech architecture camp and did well; also other architecture camps. He also holds leadership responsibility at school. The letter we got says something like you can explore architecture when you comes here and then the web says he has to apply for transfer in the next year to get into the original program—with a portfolio requirement. However, our visit to V tech indicated that freshman admission weighted heavily on academic performance and portfolio was not needed. Now, this kind of second choice admission sounds ridiculous to me because if you want to see portfolio, he could have sent it to them already. SO, we are very puzzled. Looking at other posts, many others got it with much lower academic record. We are Asians and OOS if that helps to solve the puzzle.

The college admissions environment is highly unpredictable and I would encourage everyone to hope for the best, but be prepared for the worst.

In 2017, VT had 8,499 applicants to COE. 6,190 were offered a spot, and 2,055 accepted. Its not a 15% acceptance rate as someone suggested. They have to think about their yield!

DD accepted !!!
Applying In-State
4.36 weighted GPA
9 APs (4-5 scores) and all Honors courses
1380 SAT
Lots of ECs, with leadership and a lot related to her major
Major: Human Sciences and Pre-Ed

Congratulations to all who got admitted, and best of luck with your other options for those who didn’t. It’s a tough year for college admissions with the large number of applications and all of the amazing applicants. I’m sure everyone will find a good college “home.”

Timotinho99, would you mind sharing your academic records? My son is in the same situation. V-tech gave him a second choice but calpoly admitted him. The two schools are supposed to admit students based on academic records and extra-curriculum only (no art portfolio, that is). We had a hard time figure out V tech’s admission decision process.

@mrwang Cal Poly admissions is VERY formulaic. They admit kids based on a fairly complicated MCA score - nothing else.

Virginia Tech looks at stats, but they also look very closely at essays. The applicants essays should clearly indicate why they want VT and also why they want their major. From many of the posts above, its clear that even applicants with very high stats will get rejected, wait-listed, or second choice major if their essays were not truly personalized to VT and major.

he got rejected

@vader123 Here is the VT appeals process. Just guessing they will say no, especially since it is weeks past the submission date. He should call admissions to see if his error in essay submission falls within the policy. Best of luck.

@mrwang . Firstly, I’d like to state that I’m a gap year applicant, with more than 800 hours of work experience.
My father is an architect and I’ve worked his Architectural Firm. During that time, I made myself proficient in the various computer softwares that vital for the modern architect like Autocad, Revit and Sketchup.
I helped build a community centre in Enugu, by making various plans under is supervision.
My school didn’t offer any AP classes but I gave two APs: Physcics - C(Mechanics) and Calculus BC and I got a 5 in both of them (all self study, without a graphic caluclator).
I also gave three subject tests in one day i.e. Physics, Chemistry and Math-II, and I got 750,710, 780 respectively.
I have a 30 ACT score (first try) and a 104/120 TOEFL ibt Score.
I was shocked when VT didn’t take me, but I’m overjoyed that I got into California Polytechnic SLO.
It has the 2nd best undergraduate Architecture course in the country.
Plus I am the captain of my school Soccer team (4 years)
Art Club president
Lead guitarist of my School Band
And I have a 30-50 hours of community service, where I taught children basic arithmetic, grammar and biblical stories.

Their loss indeed.

my daughter got accepted to VT but I think her heart is saying yes to JMU. She wants to wait til next week to see what the financial aid looks like.

Speaking of JMU, any idea when their regular app decisions will come out?

@collegemother1 - JMU I have heard March 20th but that was from the father of an applicant and not the school.

I heard between 15th and 20th.

@stem2017, thanks for the explanations. I hope it was about the assays, which I did not know exactly how my son wrote it. But I am pretty sure that he has shown interests in the subject and very clear about his career path in architecture. @timotinho99, thank you for sharing. Hope my son meet you if he decides to go to CalPoly.

@STEM2017 My son (admitted, Industrial Design as described earlier) submitted three essays and none addressed his major or his interest in VTech.

However, he did show interest in VTech by visiting all the way from New England. His interest in his major was clear from his transcript/ECs, as was true for some of the rejected applicants.

@kw2021, @ffxcountymom - see link below. Over 1,500 kids were accepted from wait list last year. Prior years it ranged from zero to hundreds.

@ShenVal18 for fall of 2017, 0 were offered. 2016 was 1600+. In recent years, even numbered years seemed to offer off the WL; odd years haven’t. Probably just a coincidence.

@math4bap Congratulations to your son.