Virginia Tech Transfer Students for Fall 2018

Is anyone appealing??

I didn’t get in !! I’m so confused

here is the decision letter

Thank you for your application for admission to Virginia Tech. Members of the Admissions Committee
have carefully reviewed your application and we sincerely regret that we are unable to extend you an offer
of admission. This decision is not a dismissal of your academic promise, but rather a result of the highly
competitive applicant pool this year.
By taking certain steps, you may be able to qualify for admission to Virginia Tech at a future date. In
planning your coursework, remember that preference is given to students who present transferable hours
in freshman English and sequences of mathematics and laboratory science that are appropriate for their
intended majors. Grades as well as course selection are important for admission

As I understood, it’s because I didn’t take all the core courses back in my country, which is weird because I have completed math, English, and 4 different courses in chemistry ( including some VT offers in senior year ) with GPA 3.9 of 4

please guys advise me here, do you think appealing would help? I applied to biochemistry, If changing the major would help because it’s so competitive, I’m okay with changing the major

the appealing page saying you can appeal the decision and as for reconsideration in another Major

it’s the only school that I applied for, i’m going through really tough time and I can’t think clearly
also I just found that VCU still accepting transfer application, I’m thinking of applying and giving it a shot

anyone can advise with appealing ??

congrats to everyone got accepted !!

@TarekHA My son wasn’t accepted either and his letter is the same. He’s devastated as well. We’re guessing it’s because he needed core math classes He’s currently finishing his freshman year at RU. Hang in there! I know it’s terribly disappointing.
I think he’s going to check with them next week to see if they can give him some advice on whether to stay at RU or go to community college for a year.

I just found that Radford Uni still accepting applications, giving me a little hope

@sail2021 Can I know why your son transferring to VT? does he love it in RU?

@TarekHA He loves RU but wants to pursue a career in Forestry and VT has one of the best programs. At RU, you have small classes even in general ed courses which allows the professors to get to know you. His English professor even told him to email him and let him know what he found out about VT. I think you should definitely look into it!

@TarekHA sorry this happened to you. If the appeal doesn’t work you can also look at George Mason. They are still accepting transfer applications.

@sail2021 Isn’t VT the only school in VA that has Forestry? If so, I’d think that he’d have a good chance of eventually (next year) getting admitted to VT as long as he completes the core classes with good grades.

I think another alternative is to get a dual degree at JMU which allows a biology major to transfer to VT in their senior year and then get a master’s degree in forestry in an additional 12 months (so five years total).

Did not transfer through CC. Transferred from NC State engineering.

@LeastComplicated Yes, VT is the only 4 yr school in VA that offers Forestry that I am aware of. Appreciate the info about JMU. Hoping to get some guidance next week from VT of what they recommend.

@agriculturevt yes please make a facebook group!

Rejected 38 credits all As one b so like a 3.9 gpa, nvcc. Kinda bummed, don’t understand how I got rejected since I took the required classes as a freshman. Anyways, I applied general enginnering

@nickname123455 you are probably missing some important math classes, since your GPA is good. 39 credits tells me that you havent finished a whole two years worth of credits they recommend for transfer students, so there were probably just people that had more core classes than you; I wouldnt give up hope and apply next year! What classes did you take? I got accepted to Engineering, and here is my coursework:
Calc 1, Calc 2, Calc 3, Linear Algebra, and in finals week right now for Differential Equations
Science: (Im planning to go for chemical engineering)
Chem 1 with lab, Chem 2 with lab, organic chem 241, organic chem 245(lab), organic chem 242, organic chem 246(lab)

Physics 1 and 2
English 1 and 2
Elective courses to go towards one of their reuqired categories of humanities and social science, 2 histories and 2 psychologies
If im missing anything, i apologize, but thats the jist of classes I have taken, since this is my second year at nvcc. All A’s and B’s.

Yeh I did mis some classes, but I was applying as a first year transfer. I had the calc, chem, english, one engineering class, and most general requirements down. Not sure why I wouldn’t be accepted as a first year, although I did have a terrible high school gpa.

guys, If I told them I want to transfer and be admitted as a sophomore instead of Junior, do you think I can tell them such a thing in my appeal?

If they don’t have enough places for juniors, I’m ok getting admitted as a sophomore, I already contacted my advisor still waiting for him to respond

so what do you think?

is appealing my rejection even worth it if i applied as a psych major with a 2.64 my first semester and this semester im getting a 3.54 and applying as a sociology major?

@VTHOKIEDREAMSS Dont question it, I’d do everything to reconsider my application, And I’m appealing, you wont lose anything to try !!

My son got in! Pamplin/accounting after 1st year at vccs. He wa a B student in a homeschool program but kept a 3.8 at John Tyler even with 2 accounting classes, econ and appl. Calc. Now just waiting for financial aid…I’m a proud Dad☺

@TarekHA what do you mean by appealing it?

@nickname123455 I didn’t get in unfortunately, I’ll submit an appeal once I hear back from my Advisor, I took all the required courses with 3.92 GPA great essays and a lot of lab work and volunteers