Virginia Tech Transfer Students for Fall 2018

@lordefarquadd my daughter put her name on the housing waitlist. Then she received an offer for the Transfer experience (Oak Lane transfer House.) She had to accept by May 11 (sign her housing contract) which she did. Housing told us 35 will live in that house.

Is anyone looking for a roomate, or know someone who is? Apartments are filling up quick.

They messaged me the offer in my starrez portal account. The offer expires by June 1st.

Any body offered to register for virginia tech summer academy?

oh I just got a message for the transfer community, although I prefer to live in a dorm on campus rather than a community off campus, what is everyone else doing for living situation?

@lordefarquadd the transfer house will have same amenities as on campus dorms.

Does anybody know if Virginia tech offers scholarships to transfer students?

@Baharey18 I know they offer one for transfers coming in from a VA college. Call the financial aid office and ask. They found something for my daughter after she went from out of state to in state (we live in VA on military orders.)

@lordefarquadd the transfer house on Oak Lane is on campus. They are requiring anyone living there to purchase an on campus dining plan. It isn’t right in the middle of campus but my daughter likes that. Google Sigma Phi Epsilon House at Tech and you will find floor plans and pics.

@godzpeach thank you for the information

For on campus housing, do you have to join a fraternity/sorority?

@baharey @godzpeach thanks for the useful info! does anyone know if there are there buses/shuttles that go around campus? The building is nice but its’s pretty far from places like the drillfield or the library

Is Oak Lane the only on campus housing option available?

@lordefarquadd there’s a parking lot right across the street from the Oak Lane house and there’s a bus stop right there. There are bus stops throughout campus and they all run regularly

Isn’t Oak Lane used only for frats/sororities?

@CTUR782 you can request another LLC which is what I did, is there anyone one here trying to live on campus, but not on Oak Lane?

Any body got an offer to attend summer academy?

Has anyone had any luck in determining which of your classes will transfer to VA Tech from your current school?

DS is trying to make a decision about whether to transfer, but has to consider which of his classes will be accepted for credit and when he can apply to his major. Seems like he is getting the run-around. His call was transferred from admissions to the registrar to the engineering/Mech E department but no one could provide any insight. The registrar said they won’t look at the classes until after he’s paid his deposit, but that’s not useful because his decision hinges on this information.

@jmek15 is your son from nvcc? I got in to engineering school from nvcc and 36 credits transferred from 40 credits I had.

@Baharey18 No, he’s not from NVCC. Are you transferring directly into a major or into General Engineering?
Did they notify you of the credits after you confirmed you were attending?

It seems they don’t want to go through the process for each accepted transfer student because not all will ultimately commit. Makes sense so they don’t waste a lot of time but having that unknown puts us in a bind.