Virginia tech Transfer students

<p>sorry to hear the news =/
i’m also a bio major from vcu waiting to hear back. what classes did you take first semester? did you have any credits from hs?</p>

<p>earlier someone said that the decisions were mailed out the 4th? and another round would be the 15th? I guess I am wondering how so many people are finding out and it seems to be through online. But I keep reading on the facebook vt undergrad. admisions and they said they aren’t posting them online! Nothing is certain! Are there still a good amount of you that have not heard yet?</p>

<p>kelc10, people are getting letters in the mail. Tech said (on their fb page) that one set of letters was sent on the fourth, another will be sent on the fifteenth (tentative date, could still change), and the last one at the end of the month. They said they would not update the status pages until the end of the month, so from what I can gather, the only people with changed status pages are the people who found out during the last week of march. I think by now, unless you’re out of state, it’s safe to assume you’re not in this week’s batch.</p>

<p>@Daniel what classes did you take at Radford?!</p>

<p>Oh okay! Ugh I, like everyone who hasn’t heard is tired of waiting. I know a lot of people from my current college who have applied and no one here has found out which I find to be odd. Guess I will be waiting until the end of the month to find out for sure. I emailed them yesterday about my application status but I have yet to get a reply.</p>

<p>kelC10, i emailed them today too and they haven’t answered me back. I also called today and asked about my application status and she told me she couldn’t tell me and that it will appear on my status page when a decision is made (she seemed annoyed when I asked the question)…weird</p>

<p>I am OOS and have not heard anything</p>

<p>really?? ugh I feel like they should just tell you on the phone. I bet they are getting overloaded with emails and phone calls, which is why she probably sound annoyed. Maybe if they were more consistent with sending out the decisions people wouldn’t be complaining! I heard some people got phone calls saying they didn’t get in…that would suck.</p>

<p>I think they probably got annoyed because someone posted that if you called, they would tell you whether your application was still under review. I’m sure that led to a LOT more phone calls than they would normally have about that. Oh well, at most it’s another 3 weeks :\ hopefully less though</p>

<p>i dont think I can last another 3 weeks, this is sooo annoying. I dont think its fair that we have to wait this long</p>

<p>mphokie, I felt the exact same way as you. It sucks…but we’re transfers. The initial process of transferring just sucks. Financial Aid sucks, getting last pick in important classes sucks, waiting sucks, figuring out housing sucks…the transfer process sucks because we’re going after Tech, not the other way around. But once you’re here (if it’s what you really want) it’s SO worth it.</p>

<p>I know some of the people in the admissions office…they don’t slack off, ever. During December-February, some of them are in the office at 6 in the morning and leave at 5 PM. I know a counselor who takes every call and never sounds frustrated or mad, and he’s gone on some long conversations because of it. They really do have a lot going on, and it’s especially nonstop during this month because of the incoming freshman. You guys need to remember that the same people who are doing your apps now are also catering to the huge amount of people visiting campus. I imagine that this week, they’ve been preparing for Hokie Focus and Gateway for the accepted Seniors…and since it’s a huge event (they have a lot of student involvement for it as well), it doesn’t surprise me that they haven’t gotten anything out yet to transfers.</p>

<p>financiallylost, thanks for the perspective. I know there’s a lot going on and that the Admissions Office is doing everything they can to juggle prospective students, transfers, freshmen admits, and current students. It’s a lot to handle! Too bad it doesn’t make waiting any easier :&lt;/p>

<p>Yeah I definitely understand that they have so much to do! And if you get in then its definitely worth the wait. I guess maybe no news is good news? I’m sure they don’t sort it out by like, accepted and not accepted its probably just random but it would be so cruel to be given your decision at the end of the month and not get in, but I know thats definitely a possibility. Hopefully all of us waiting find out within the next week, or if not then in the next few weeks! I still look at my status page everyday, mulitple times a day even though I know it probably won’t be changing any time soon haha</p>

<p>hahaha @kelc10, i do the same too. i have this forum page and the status page bookmarked on safari and they’re the first two links i check as soon as i open up my laptop. i really really hope we all hear good news since we’re being so patient… well we’re forced to be =P</p>

<p>I do the same thing. I’ve checked CC probably a dozen times in the past four hours already, and my status page 2-3.</p>

<p>haha if it wasn’t for this page I would probably be going crazy, constantly calling and emailing them.</p>


<p>I know what you mean. When I found this page on google, it made me feel so much better. It’s reassuring that so many people have no heard back yet. Though, as each day passed I’m getting more and more anxious. I just want to know already.</p>

<p>question…I attended a 4 year university for my fall semester and took all the right classes and got a good GPA, but my school was out of state and I really didn’t like it so I transferred to my community college. My CC is actually very well-known and has great programs. I am taking most of the right classes there and some in the summer. Does anyone think that transferring to the CC would hurt my chances?? I appreciate any help you guys can give!</p>

<p>What the Hokie Bird means on your status page:</p>

<p>"HokieBird is our school mascot. Seeing HokieBird on your status page simply means that your application is being processed, specifically that the University Registrar is working on your transfer credit evaluation. " VT Undergrad Facebook page</p>

<p>I got a letter today in the mail. I didn’t get accepted :\ it says 3,000 applied and 1,000 were accepted. good luck to everyone.</p>

<p>Kelc…what were you college stats?</p>