Virginia tech Transfer students

<p>jyeva13 would u mind telling us what you applied for? what were your hs / college stats??..i don’t have a hokie bird…is that a bad thing?</p>

<p>i don’t think not having the bird is a bad thing? I’m not too positive, but admission did say that they are sending out the first wave of decisions close to April 1st so that gives a whole 3 days for the bird to show up!!</p>

<p>& I applied for communications
I’m a sophomore right now so I doubt they took my hs records into big consideration, but I had around a 3.7w and 3.5uw GPA. Didn’t send my SAT to tech. I currently have 3.5 ish after 3 semesters & I wrote all the optional essays (if they even care)</p>

<p>ok ty! well that is a lil releaving cuz you are a sophmore in college. I am only a freshman with a 3.79 gpa … but you have a 3.5 after 3 semesters that’s is really good!</p>

<p>I have a hokie bird on my status page also. Do only those who are accepted have the hokie bird???</p>

<p>Isn’t the hokie bird simply credit evalution? It is definitely a good sign I heard, but not sure if no bird=rejection…</p>

<p>I just logged on and officially got accepted!!</p>

i checked after seeing your reply haha</p>

<p>yay :)</p>

<p>oo congrats to both of you!! did your status page just add a line that said accepted?
mine still looks the exact same with no hokie bird :(</p>

<p>Also accepted, It says decision: offered admission.
1 semester at a full-time undergrad university, 3.5 GPA.
HS stats were absolutely terrible, 2.3. Region may have been a factor, from Alaska and university was in pacific northwest. Also wrote a legitimate essay.</p>

<p>for those who got accepted, did you have hokiebirds prior to the acceptance?</p>

<p>Same. After reading your posts guys and went and checked my status page and it said “Offered admission.”</p>

<p>Yes, I did have a hokiebird a few days prior. Good luck</p>

<p>10ctr10, i got a hokie bird on monday and got accepted within a day</p>

<p>So I Checked my application status today (11:40 am) and I got in. It showed offered admissions, then had info about paying the 400 fee to save your spot. (I had the hokie bird yesterday when I checked). But I just logged back in to look at the offered admissions part once more, and it’s gone. The hokie bird is still at the top, but the admissions part is gone. Is this happening to anyone else?</p>

<p>The same thing happened to me, I really hope they didn’t make a mistake or something</p>


<p>I am glad to hear that it happened to someone else. I am hoping that it was an error in the system or something, and that it will repost tomorrow. </p>

<p>What program did you apply for?</p>

<p>yeah im freaking out about it, i applied to the sociology program, you?</p>

<p>I applied to the Animal and Poultry Sciences program. I keep checking the application status page hoping something will change.</p>

<p>haha me too, if nothing changes im going to call them early tomorrow and ill post what they say</p>

<p>happened to me too, but emailed them and they got it back up!
it was just a technical error i think :)</p>

<p>that would be a jerk move if they took back admissions hahah</p>