Virginia tech Transfer students

<p>@lrchuck what was your friends gpa?</p>

<p>I’m at NVCC too and haven’t heard anything</p>

<p>Are you applying under the GAA?</p>

<p>i’m at mason and i haven’t heard anything…any of you guys engineering majors?</p>

<p>@brishe,SierraLeone12 - oh, well from what i was told nvcc was supposed to be notified earlier. maybe under certain circumstances? idk.</p>

<p>@lrchuck what was your friend’s stats like?</p>


<p>he had 3.4 in high school and a 3.75 first semester in college</p>

<p>My status page updated on Wednesday April 30th to offered admissions. Then they took it down Wednesday night. Next, it was back up Thursday morning. Last it was taken back down Friday and it hasn’t returned. Have this happened to anyone else? Is this a web page error? Or does anyone think that it may be because I was accepted into JMU, paid my deposit already because I didn’t know I was going to get accepted into VT?</p>

<p>Mgaskins, VT admissions would have no way of knowing you paid a deposit to JMU. They are both public schools but I would imagine their admissions,computer and financial systems would be completely separate. You might want to email or call VT admissions to find out why your status page keeps changing if the offer of admission has not come back up. If you decide on VT, you will need to withdraw from JMU and make sure you withdraw from JMU before May 1st so you can get your JMU deposit back. Good luck on deciding between JMU and VT. Both great schools.</p>

<p>last week they said the next wave of decisions would be sent out sometime early this week. i called today and they said the next wave of decisions will come out the end of this month… which is basically may 1st.</p>

<p>for those who have already been offered admission - are you out of state?</p>

<p>@Mgaskins09, what are your stats like? major?</p>

<p>I am in state, go to community college and I still have no heard back from them. I think it might be because I started out at a university but then transferred to community college.</p>

<p>@SEVMOM-Do you think JMU or VT has a better business/finance program? Which one do you think will provide more and better intern & employment opportunities?</p>

<p>@SPARK10-at the finish of this semester I will have graduated from NVCC with an Associates in Business Admin. Therefore, as of now I have 45 cr with a GPA of 3.24. Major is finance. I’ve heard thru a NVCC advisor that VT is really favorable to transfer students with an A.S. She said it demonstrates your commitment to school, because you are halfway finished and that the likelihood of you completing your degree is greater than freshmans. Therefore, she has seen VT accept CC graduates with a GPA all the way down to a 3.0.</p>

<p>Mgaskins, My sons were both in engineering(one at UVa and the other one now at VT). I don’t know much about business although I ran into someone recently whose daughter is in Pamplin at VT and is quite happy with classes, internship opportunities. The kids I know at both VT and JMU seem very happy with their schools. My son was initially going to go to JMU until he got off VT’s waitlist in ‘09. He ended up taking almost the whole week to decide if he should acccept VT’ s offer because he really did like JMU. One of the reasons he did go with VT in the end was because it does have more of a national reputation. Good luck with making the decision. I like both of these schools quite alot. I’m sure the decision is not easy!</p>

<p>my friend who got in goes to south Carolina and is from North Carolina. So yes, out of state</p>

<p>Hello everyone, I’ve been lurking around on this site for a few weeks now and I finally came around and created an account. The wait is KILLING me and several of my friends! They really need to let people know! Anyways I’m a sophomore at Old Dominion University and I am a business marketing major. I have a 3.5ish GPA with decent high school grades. The MAIN reason I want to transfer (besides having a wonderful! Business school!) is because living in the Norfolk area (I live like 4 blocks from campus) I’ve had my house broken into, and all 3 of my roommates have had there cars broken into. Plus my neighbors have had 2 robberies of their house. I honestly fear for my life down here! The second the sun sets I dont dare set outside. The actual ODU campus is wonderful and beautiful but because it is in a city crime is an issue :(</p>

<p>@Mgaskins09, I have friends who are business majors at both VT and JMU. Here is essentially what I have come to understand. Both schools have a wonderful business school. But when it comes down to it, it does matter about being nationally known. (in my opinion). So ether school would be great for business but I think when it comes down to getting a job having gone to VT you’ll have better chances (from what I think)</p>

<p>The end of the month? Seriously?! Whyyyy</p>

<p>So admissions is now saying the “April 1st round” is over? And the next/last batch well be at the end of the month? Or could it happen during this week possibly? Ugh!</p>

<p>i don’t even know if there was an april 1st round. i know some out of state and community college decisions were sent out earlier that week but now they’re saying the next round will be towards the end of the month.</p>

<p>i really need to know if im in or out. i need to know where im living next year though i wish they would deny or accept me and get it over with already</p>