Virginia Tech Waitlist help 2011

<p>I hear what collegedad is saying. Weenlove take a chill pill and shut up for a bit. Youre demanding answers when there are none to be given. Im in the same boat as you and the process is killing me but what can you do? Being annoying on a forum won’t change anything. As sevmon said, its possible for waves of acceptances into june. Just hang in there for a bit longer.</p>

<p>I agree with BUKLAU and collegedad. Maybe collegedad was slightly harsh, but weenlove, your constant whining and demanding of answers is working our last nerve. By the way weenlove, your post last night at 7:47 was obviously written by someone else. All of 10 minutes later, you’re back on this thread posting more of the incoherent babble which appears to be your trademark.</p>

<p>Weenlove, I hope you have a back up plan, and God help the school that ends up with you.</p>

<p>I’d like to apologize to the rest of the CC population for posting this response in the first place. I am not a negative or mean spirited person, but I felt that weenlove’s behavior on this forum begged a response.</p>

<p>I speak intelligently when the situation calls for a cogent and well-mannered response NOW GUYS IM still not off the WAITLIST SO if theres ANYthing you can do LEMME KNOW</p>

<p>Ok. I’m still on the waitlist myself. Look here, weenlove. The only reason I check this forum is to know whether or not more and more people get off of the waitlist after the first group had been offered admission. I’ve called the Virginia Tech Office of Admissions and talked to someone that had said that it is likely to send out another wave of offers. That is all I can report on. No one, including the college, knows whether or not more offers will be sent. The best thing to do is be patient. It is like I say. The ONLY reason I’m on this forum is to figure out who else is being offered admission.</p>

<p>Thanks for the update, keepingtheblade. It’s difficult to find information like this outside of a forum from helpful parents/students that are keeping themselves in the loop, so we really appreciate posts like that.</p>

<p>Stay strong and keep your fingers crossed!</p>

<p>I feel you man. I’ll let you know.</p>

<p>Ok guys. So I emailed the admissions office some questions…(these may be helpful.)</p>

<p>Hello. </p>

<p>I’m really not trying to be annoying here, but I just have some questions about the waitlist that aren’t on the pdf file. </p>

<p>I have heard that acceptance offers have been recieved by certain people on the waitlist around Thursday of last week. It would be nice to know numbers or approximations. I’m curious to know how many people stayed on the waitlist from the initial 2,300. I’d also like to know around how many people were offered admission from the waitlist last week. I’ve called earlier and heard that in order to send more offers, Virginia Tech has to see how many offers are declined. </p>

<p>So, getting right down to the meat and potatoes here. I’d like to know a few things. Has there ever been a year where all of the waitlist was offered admission? I’d also like to know if people were ever offered admission from the waitlist after the initial selection. And the last question I have is if another wave of offers comes out, how long would it be from the first selection of people to the next? (time span in between offers)</p>

<p>If you could help me answer any of these questions, It would be very appreciated!</p>

<p>and their response…</p>

<p>It would be very rare for all students to come off waitlist and no this has not ever happened.
Yes, there could be more than one “group” of students to come off WL – we did offer some individuals a space recently and are still evaluating if we will have additional space. If we do, we will hope to inform students as soon as possible. There is not a specific timeframe in between each group. As our letter stated, we will release the WL no later than July 1. Thank you,</p>

<p>The VT Admissions offices returned one of my e-mails with a pretty vague response similiar to the one they sent you, keepingtheblade, though much less helpful/informative. I guess the A.Officers over there really don’t know much more than we do in regards to the waitlist; they simply have to sort through how many people accepted their waitlist offers, how many more applicants can be accepted, which are the most qualified, etc.
It is an unpleasant truth, but all we can really do is Wait. but if any1 h3@rz mor3 information just keep posting it up here!</p>

<p>A little birdy told me we should be hearing Something from VT by next Wednesday. GoodLuck girls!</p>

<p>To weenlove,</p>

<p>Who did you hear this from? and by next Wednesday, do you mean June 1st?</p>

<p>A VirginiaTech representative who politely asked me to keep their identity under wraps for the time being. And yes, I do mean June 1st (or June 4th, their voice was sort of muffled on the phone. But either/or)</p>

<p>Well. That’s great news! I sure do hope to hear from them. Will everyone please be sure to post their admission status on that day? I will do so as well. Thanks very much for keeping us all informed weenlove.</p>

<p>… weenlove are you being serious or being “w@cky” again? If it’s the former was it snail mail or email and what were the details? I have some doubts considering you said it like it was nothing in response to collegedad after 3pages of anxiety. Anyway congrats i guess we still have to wait</p>

<p>No I am being completely serious. I recieved word through snail mail yesterday evening, and then again today through e-mail at around noon (I’m pretty sure it was an automated e-mail, though).
And thank you for the kind words! It’s so exciting! I’m hoping the best for everyone else. (Accepted applicants trickle off of the VT Waitlist. They steadily take people off so you really don’t know when you will hear). Anyways good luck BUKLAU, hopefully you’ll be hearing something in the coming days too!</p>

<p>Accepted off of waitlist today! See my thread for statistics if you are curious.</p>

<p>Do you live in Northern VA olylifter?</p>

<p>And also i never recieved one of their emails :P, when they told you you were accepted did you check your account on their site or did they send you a personal email :o?</p>

<p>Edit: Thisi s waht mine looks like :stuck_out_tongue:
Can you post a screenshot? this is what mine looks like right now
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>^That’s what my status looks like too.^</p>

<p>I think that unless you have been told beforehand or unless you have recieved an email saying that you have been taken off the waitlist, you are still on though.</p>

<p>KeepingtheBlade i heard june 4th is also another date to hear back?</p>

<p>According to another poster somewhere on this board, that is correct. But things start to slow down around this time, as fewer and fewer people are being taken off the waitlist. All we can really do is wait =/</p>

<p>YO IOvs u! I got the same Status list. Is that mean we got in? I was so excited to see it today, but I am not sure if I get in or not.</p>