Virginia Tech Waitlist help 2011

<p>No, it means nothing. They’re not updating the website for any applicants, even those taken off of the waiting list.</p>

<p>^ So what is that mean? Why they take us off the waiting list.</p>


<p>anuther1 of my friends JUST taken 0ff, any1 else know goodNuse?</p>

<p>It has now been confirmed that VT is no longer taking any more applicants off of their waiting list. Oh well!</p>

<p>Don’t forget about what I call the ‘back door’ option, which is to transfer in to VT after freshman or sophomore year. </p>

<p>I was informed by the staff in the office of the Engineering Dept at VT that an awful lot of engineering students do just that. If they don’t get in straight out of high school, they spend a year or usually 2 at a VA community college and then transfer right in (VT has that agreement with community colleges that they will accept students with a certain GPA – I think 3.4 – if the students have taken a certain schedule of classes at the community college over a 2 year period.) Of course, the other way is to go to a different college and then try to transfer in to VT after the first year. </p>

<p>Either way, you can still graduate from VT if you want it enough!</p>

<p>You speak the truth, downtimer!</p>

<p>so HOOS applying again next year!? go Hoos!</p>

<p>weenlove,did you mean to post your last comment on the University of Virginia forum? Good luck at the school you’ll be attending in August.</p>

<p>lol i’m an idiot. Thanks for the warm wishes, sevmom!</p>