Virginia Tech's Class of 2020!

My son is a freshman and we’re hoping our daughter will get in as well. anyone from Massachusetts heard yet?

I just checked my application status and have been offered admission. Business undecided. I have a 3.78 weighted gpa, and a 27 act composite score. I’m a member of the national honor society, business honor society, and mathematics honor society. I’m in 3 clubs, and have played soccer since freshman year and track since junior year. Good luck to everyone else who applied!

Is there any system as to who they are sending decisions to now vs in March? A friend from my school got his letter, and he applied after me, and then another who applied before me also got his. I sent mine in mid/early December.

Just checked my son’s, we are from Massachusetts and he applied in early November regular decision. I do not see anything on his page for a decision, so frustrating. I guess March?

nope nothing for my son either.

Does anyone know where it says what school/major you were accepted for? Do you just assume you were accepted for the school which you applied? My S’s page says Regular Freshman Applicant.

@blue44 Apparently everyone who got accepted today was accepted for their first choice major.

@blue44, they sent out a tweet that says if you received an offer of admission today, it was for your first choice:


VT Admissions ‏@FollowMeToVT 1h1 hour ago
Attn: #VT20❗️All offers of admission during the Feb. round are offers into the student’s first choice major.

Nothing for my sis today either. Maybe March.

So if you have to wait till the March wave does that mean you don’t get into your first choice major?

@hokiehopeful12 No not necessarily, only a select few applicants received their decisions today… I’m guessing they only looked at the top applicants, but the vast majority of students still have not heard back yet.

@student98130 Ok thank you. Also, if you don’t get into your first choice major then you would go into freshman year of college with an undecided major and then later apply for your first choice major again right?

@hokiehopeful12 Yes, the way I think that it works is that you get accepted to VT for “General Studies”, and say you wanted to go into engineering eventually, you could talk to your counselor about what classes you needed to take. As long as you keep your GPA up I think you’ll be able to take some of the classes within the major you want to eventually move into. Someone please correct me if I am wrong though, I’m just going off of my memory of what I’ve read elsewhere.

@student98130 thank you so much!

The latest my documents were received by was by 12/1/2015. Still haven’t heard results back from VT, despite numerous friends receiving their acceptance letters. I applied to the CoE for Computer Science.
Could anyone chance me please? (Starting to feel really anxious regarding this all, Tech is one of my top choices)

In-State Applicant (CVA)
Good EC’s
Strong Rec’s
Good Essays
3.6 UW 4.9 W GPA
670 V SAT
650 M SAT
27 M ACT
26 V ACT
IB Diploma Program Student
Taking AP Physics C and Calculus BC senior year

Thank you, and good luck to the rest of us waiting until March 18!

@reldern The difference between your unweighted and weighted GPA makes me pause, because that’s quite a big jump so I’m a little confused as to what that means. And your ACT scores are a little low, at least for what they’re looking for the first time viewing applications. All around though, you’re taking strong classes senior year (Physics C and Calc BC), and I wouldn’t worry too much about your chances–especially if you have EC’s relating to STEM topics. This first round of decisions was for the strongest applicants, and I’m sure it was especially selective in the CoE. The majority of students (including myself haha) have not heard back yet, and I don’t think there’s reason to start worrying. God luck with your application :slight_smile:

@student98130 Thanks for the feedback, the reason for the large GPA jump is that I’m part of the IB Diploma program at my school and there’s a weighted GPA boost for each class, leading to a high weighted GPA.

Hey Everyone! I’m currently a high school sophomore and a VT hopeful. I actually heard that the first round admission decisions were released today and decided to check out this thread. I was wondering if I could ask a few questions.

I am planning on taking 5, technically 6, AP classes between now and senior year.

AP Chemistry - Junior Year
AP Psychology - Junior Year
AP Human Geography - Senior Year
AP Economics (AP Microeconomics/AP Macroeconomics) - Senior Year
AP Calculus AB - Senior Year

I was wondering how many of you had taken AP English Language or AP English Literature? I really don’t feel like taking the class next year, even though I was recommended for AP English Language, due to all of the outside of class time reading. I actually just finished annotating Frankenstein for class and it honestly took me so much time to get through it. Do you think it would affect me if I didn’t do AP English?

Some info about me, BTW
My PSAT scores were 480 for Math and 510 for reading. I know these are actually pretty low, however it was my first time taking the PSAT and I didn’t study for it, then again most don’t their sophomore year. I actually would’ve gotten a higher score if I had there was no guessing penalty or a penalty for incorrect answers. I’m not really worried. I’m also an African American student from NOVA, so the competition will be stiff.

Thanks in advance for answering. Hopefully, in two years, I’ll be in the same position as those who were accepted here. I’m actually planning on taking a tour of VT later this summer. I’ll be in the college class of 2022 by the way.

Hi ak2018-I think it depends on which school you are applying to. My son only took 3 AP senior year. BC calc, AP Physics and AP Computer science but he was applying into the engineer school.

Daughter admitted to First Year Engineering. ACT: 35/Math, 35/English, GPA: 4.40 (weighted), usual AP courses (calc AB & BC, Physics, English, Gov.,…), a focused EC activity centered around academic research, have received ample awards/recognition for it.