VT 2011 Transfer College Board

<p>no hokie bird for me :frowning:
it says they received my transcripts 2/16 & 2/18… so maybe give or take a few weeks.
i really do hope that means good news!
good luck!</p>

<p>I will let you all know when or if my status changes. In previous years It looks like within a couple of days you should know once you see the Hokie Bird. I have seen on previous blogs that the hokie bird has shown up and then mysteriously disappeared. I hope this does not happen to me. I want this more than anything. </p>

<p>Good Luck Everyone.</p>

<p>ihatemonday - she took 17 credits her first semester, also had a lot of AP credits out of HS. She knew she would have to go to CC for her first year due to issues at home, so she didn’t apply to any colleges except the local University but picked the CC anyway. </p>

<p>I don’t remember her major, but its still a mystery as to why why she didn’t get accepted…it’s possible they gave her the same reason as they gave me. </p>

<p>She did get accepted this time around as a second year, so she will be attending next fall!</p>

<p>Well I just checked and I still just see the Hokie Bird no decision yet. This waiting is terrible!</p>

<p>Hey guys,
I got in and now have the arduous task of finding roommates. I’ll be a junior this Fall and want to room with people who intend to have fun in college but at the same time want to get a degree. Message me if you guys are in the same boat.
Hope to hear from you all soon.</p>

<p>I am still waiting here still see the hokie bird but nothing else has changed four days and counting…</p>

<p>its been a week for me since they received all my transcripts, but still no hokie bird…
i guess one week is not enough (?)</p>

<p>I am just waiting for them to say if I have been accepted or not. Last year it was only a couple of days after you saw the bird you knew. I think I am just being impatient. I know they have tons of applications but the waiting and the waiting UGH.</p>

<p>They received my transcripts back in the middle of January I am thinking that is why I am seeing the hokie bird. Hope you see it soon.</p>

<p>Damn I don’t see it either but they did just receive my high school transcripts Friday but I don’t think I will get one since they did it in person for me.</p>



<p>Not true! Alot of transfers, including myself, got a Hokie Bird in February but didn’t find out until March. It was about a month wait. It’s a good sign though, and yeah the waiting sucks, but there’s not much you can do about it.</p>

<p>@jyeva - The Hokie Bird likely won’t be on your page after only one week. Since you sent it in right at the deadline, which is also around the deadline for freshmen to send in all their final things, the admissions processing team has ALOT of work to do. It could take up to three weeks before anything gets processed. Even then, you’ll have to wait for your file to be sent to an admissions counselor who will have tons of applications to work on already.</p>

<p>Financially Thanks for the info. I am so ready for the waiting game to be over though.</p>

<p>If it helps, I had a friend who called Admissions last year, and although she didn’t get a straight answer, they pretty much implied she was going to get in. A week later, she had a acceptance on her status page. Depending on if Admissions has already made a decision to when they’ll post notifications, they might be able to tell you when to expect a decision.</p>

<p>After that first round got posted last year and I hadn’t found out, I posted questions on the Facebook page (check it out, it’s really useful) and emailed admissions about when to expect a decision. So if you ask, you might be able to get some good info out of it!</p>

<p>does any one else have “Final UG College Transcript” listed under their requirements?</p>

<p>i already sent in my current college transcript and high school transcript, but i dont know why they listed “Final UG College Transcript” as a requirement for me.</p>

<p>You have to send in your final transcript that includes your Spring Semester grades from the institution you are leaving. They do this because in some cases, people don’t do well enough or maintain the GPA they need to actually go to Tech, so their admission is rescinded.</p>

<p>^^ buts its not required unless Im accepted right? I haven’t been admitted yet,and I am wondering why it shows up that I need to turn in a final transcript. Does this mean my application is still incomplete?</p>

<p>Yeah you’re right, it’s not required unless you get accepted. If you have everything else BUT the Final Transcript, your application is considered complete.</p>

<p>I assume they put Final UG Transcript where the rest of the transcript requirements just because it fits there, even though it’s technically not a requirement for your admission decision.</p>

<p>They received my transcripts on the 23rd and I got the Hookie bird today on the 25th!</p>

<p>Congratulation Marioqwe That was quick since they just received your transcripts. I am still waiting though I have seen the bird for almost a week. But it is a good sign that you are seeing the bird. I have heard that your pretty much accepted if you see the bird. Hope that holds true for both of us. Are you a transfer student or freshman?</p>

<p>I am a transfer.</p>

<p>marioqwe, that was super fast! im jealous!!! its been a whole week for me but still no bird =x are you from a community college?
what were you stats and are you a sophomore or junior transfer?</p>