VT 2011 Transfer College Board

<p>@jyeva13 @jacobymanbeast I am a freshman transfer from a 4 year university (i went to ECU first semester now Im at a MD community college) and I have not heard anything either so hopefully it is not something to be too worried about. :)</p>

<p>I will definitely let you know if anything changes for me</p>

<p>I just received my acceptance letter! :)</p>

<p>Psychology Major
Had a 28 ACT
3.3 HS GPA, no AP classes
3.77 College GPA, 13 credits</p>

<p>individualized, When did you submit your application?</p>

<p>individualized do you think it would be hard to transfer into the psych department at tech because I am actually majoring in that and I have a 3.3 in college and will have 30 credits overall after this semester. I am currently a freshman trying to get accepted</p>

<p>Individualized: Did you apply from a 4 year school or community college?</p>

<p>I submitted it in the beginning of February, and I applied from a community college. </p>

<p>I actually had a contract with them (I was waitlisted last year) that said they would automatically accept me if I completed 1 year of CC with no grades under a B. However, I’ve only finished half of that agreement and they didnt wait to see what my grades are this semester so I’m wondering if they just thought my GPA was good enough. When I drove down there to speak with them the applications officer told me anything above a 3.0 was competitive and anything above a 3.5 was considered a very good chance for psychology transfers.</p>

<p>ok thank you, hopefully a 3.3 gets me in</p>

<p>I haven’t heard anything, but until I saw this board I wasn’t expecting to until April! They received my application on 2/24, so I’m probably with a later group anyway. I have a 3.6, and I’m graduating with two Associate’s degrees from the VCCS (Liberal Arts and Social Science - I’m majoring in History for my BA if that makes a difference).</p>

<p>congrats to all the cc people getting their acceptances!!</p>

<p>just wondering, why do you guys think admissions extended the deadline to 3/1 from 2/14…?</p>

<p>It seems like they do it every year, jyeva13. I don’t really know.</p>

<p>Application packet with no change was due to the website failure (it happened to me too and I emailed the admissions director) </p>

<p>also I got in as a community college transfer with a 3.65 GPA</p>

<p>I’m a political science major.</p>

<p>Also if any of you are college bound and want’s a new friend … my email is <a href=“mailto:sas2947@vt.edu”>sas2947@vt.edu</a></p>

<p>I applied the other night b/c the deadline was extended :slight_smile: I hope that doesn’t disadvantage me. </p>

HS GPA: UW: 3.7 W: 4.3
SAT: 1250, 1940: Math- 610 Reading-640 Writing-690
Good EC’s</p>

<p>College: Selective LAC
After 1 semester, 16 credits
GPA: 4.0
Pretty good EC’s and good essay. </p>

<p>I’m OOS, hopefully I get in!</p>

<p>How long does it take to hear back?</p>

<p>when do transfer students find out…has anyone heard back?</p>

<p>to Paqaan,</p>

<p>The next wave of transfer acceptances will be mailed March 31 or April 1.</p>

<p>I got accepted to tech engineering ! I had a 3.8 my first semester as a freshman at vcu and had a 3.3 in highschool.</p>

<p>jcarlucci…would u mind listing the classes you took? that would be a great help</p>

<p>I took these classes at VCU
Fall Semester
Calculus I - A
Intro to Chemical Engineering - B
Biology 101 - A
Chemistry 101 - A
Chem. lab 101 - A</p>

<p>Spring Semester
Chemistry 102
Chem. lab 102
Methods in Chemical engineering
Intro to programming for Chemical engineering
Calculus II
Freshman English II</p>

<p>My status page updated on Wednesday April 30th to offered admissions. Then they took it down Wednesday night. Next, it was back up Thursday morning. Last it was taken back down Friday and it hasn’t returned. Have this happened to anyone else? Is this a web page error? Or does anyone think that it may be because I was accepted into JMU, paid my deposit already because I didn’t know I was going to get accepted into VT?</p>

<p>Can someone clarify on what the Hokie Bird means?
Is it a “good sign”? Is it a guarantee that you will have good news?</p>

<p>Or is it only for transfer evaluations?
I have the bird but it just says “There is no transfer evaluation processed as of this date. If you have forwarded all final copies of your transfer transcripts to us, please allow more time for processing. Continue to check this website for updates to your transfer credit record”</p>

<p>^ It’d be worth a shot to ask on the Facebook site:</p>

<p>[Virginia</a> Tech Undergraduate Admissions | Facebook](<a href=“Facebook”>Virginia Tech Undergraduate Admissions)</p>

<p>They seem to reply to people pretty quickly and I’ve also been wondering what the Hokie bird means too?</p>