"Well, roll tide"

<p>Thought I’d pass along something that happened this weekend. A church friend, who has now relocated to another state, is a UA alum, as is her husband. On Friday, the hubs and their son, age 12, were running a 5k. Near the finish line, the 12 year-old collapsed in cardiac arrest. His life was saved by a doc who was also running, a defribulator, and a medic staff/ambulance that was already on the scene. </p>

<p>I wanted to share this from one of her posts today:
On friday in the ER with doctors & nurses frantically working on and around him, he turned his head in my direction and said “Sorry mom. Didn’t mean to die on you.” Recognizing his sick humor I said, “That’s o.k. Dude. Just don’t let it happen again.” Surprised by my quick response he strained to open his eyes & with half a smile said, “Well Roll Tide.” That’s when I knew he was firing on all cylinders & he was going to be o.k.</p>

<p>Such a fun family! Tomorrow the boy will be moved to another hospital where he will have heart surgery to correct the defect that was discovered yesterday. I know the family would appreciate any prayers for the surgery and recovery. </p>

<p>Well, roll tide!</p>

<p>Wow, I’m glad he is OK! How scary.</p>

<p>Prayers for that family…have added them via email to our prayer chain at church…They will hence be known as "Prayers for the “roll Tide” family…think God will know who that is :)!
thanks for sharing!</p>

<p>Thank God for a defibrillator! Wish they were in ALL public places. It would save so many lives. This family IS in my prayers!</p>

<p>Prayers coming their way…</p>

<p>I am so thankful this child is okay. We have a friend whose college age son was training with a group of college friends to run a marathon. While they were running, he told his friends to go ahead because he was not feeling well and he would catch up with them. When the friends realized he hadn’t caught up, they went back to check on him. Unfortunately, they found he had collapsed and died on the side of the road. Please caution your children to keep themselves hydrated as this contributed to our friend’s son’s cardiac arrest. My prayers will be with the child and his family mentioned above. Roll Tide indeed!</p>

<p>Wow! Thank goodness the young man was saved and will now have surgery. how scary!</p>

<p>Prayers for his speedy recovery & Roll Tide.</p>

<p>Just read this and hope things are progressing with success. How difficult to see a child with a problem like this. Prayers offered.</p>

<p>Surgery is scheduled for early tomorrow morning. I expect to be able to report a favorable outcome!</p>

<p>Please do keep us updated. He and his family are in our prayers…Roll Tide!</p>

<p>His surgery went well. They were able to repair his heart/aorta/artery! BTW, the cardiologist said the boy is a walking miracle for living as long as he did with the problem (I know he plays LAX and football). </p>

<p>This family has had many praying for them across the country and I know they appreciate your prayers. They certainly don’t think they had this wonderful outcome without divine intervention. Roll tide!</p>

<p>What a wonderful outcome, here’s to his future!!</p>

<p>Thank you for updating us on his condition lattelady!</p>

<p>Such good news! </p>


<p>This post has taken on huge significance for me in the past 2 days. D had her first “non-pediatrician” doctor’s appointment Wednesday, and they did an EKG as part of that. It alarmed them enough that they have ordered a cardiac consult and echocardiagram on Tuesday. I am just hoping that it’s an artifact from a hard race effort Saturday, but stories like this one have me just this side of panic. I keep asking myself if we’ve seen signs in all these years of training and racing triathlons, and the answer is no other than times she got dehydrated. I’m so glad to hear that he is recovering well. If you’ve got a few days of prayer left in you, there’s a Bama triathlete and a mom who’d appreciate them.</p>

<p>Have placed y’all on our church prayer chain…prayers going out even as I type this.</p>

<p>This foundation came to our high school in March of this year and screened all of our juniors and seniors (over 2300 kids)</p>

<p>[Welcome</a> to MAX & THE WILD THINGS](<a href=“http://www.maxandthewildthings.com/custom_pages.php?menu_id=48]Welcome”>http://www.maxandthewildthings.com/custom_pages.php?menu_id=48)</p>

<p>I am very grateful for the medical technology we have now for our kids. I have a cousin who died in 1995 at age 18 playing a pick up basketball game. Prayers go out for all kids.</p>

<p>Just a warning not to OVER-hydrate! I have a good friend who is a doctor and a serious runner. He said that it’s hard to believe, but over-hydrating is even more serious than dehydrating, because your electrolytes get out of balance quickly. You can die from that. He says that people should drink to thirst and that’s it.</p>

<p>Whitlo, I will definitely be praying for her/you. Please let us know how it goes on Tuesday.</p>