<p>Whats fro-yo??
BTW- this
is a beautiful example of projection. NO ONE is saying or thinking this but one poster.</p>
<p>Whats fro-yo??
BTW- this
is a beautiful example of projection. NO ONE is saying or thinking this but one poster.</p>
<p>You don’t tag the cost of going on movie with others friends as cost of having those friends then why you try to tag cost of attending in more soical events as cost of having a girlfriend.</p>
<p>If your DS can’t afford an event he should say instead of contributing it to as cost of having a GF.</p>
<p>Will your DS go to a movie if his budget won’t allow with his roommate or other friends? Then why he go to an event with a GF he can’t afford. That’s a problem with your DS and not his GF.</p>
<p>Don’t make your DS problem as a cost of having GF.</p>
<p>But there writing in the post does speak of their mindset and that’s the problem.</p>
<p>Now you are just not making any sense at all. When does your DW come back from staying with her family in India?</p>
<p>fro-yo = frozen yogurt</p>
<p>thank you, jsanche.</p>
<p>As an aside, the sound we are all hearing is the collective sound of cc’ers banging their heads against a wall… :rolleyes:</p>
<p>jym, why do you even engage with this guy? He’s an ******* and you’re just giving him credence by getting into a dialog with him. I’m not even sure he believes the outlandish things he says. I think he just enjoys getting people riled up. Don’t encourage him.</p>
<p>so right, patsmom. My bad for even trying to reason with someone who demonstrates such unreasonable thinking. I think I’ll go stick needles in my eye. Its less painful. And I never said my s did any of the things that are now being ascribed t him. Was giving examples. What a waste of bandwith. Wonder if it matters that my Ds’s gf is Indian. Oh, nevermind that. At least she isnt high maintenance with expensive tastes in food and clothes. I like her. Se’s a sweetie.</p>
<p>Well this one started out nicely, then kind of deteriorated! :)</p>
<p>You are right, slumom. Lets get this thread back on track. We give our DS money during the academic year to cover rent, utilities, food and “spending money”. He can choose what he wants to spend it on (gas, fast food, other meals out/activites with friends and/or gf, whatever). If he goes over his allowance, he hits his savings, which happened a lot more this past semester, to our dismay.</p>
<p>The cost is for the activity partaken to enjoy the event or the company. Maybe this is a misunderstanding of the expressions used here. Kids cost money. That is an expression, but its true. Having/raising kids costs money. Ditto for having a spouse , a gf or what have you. Oh heavens, why am I trying. Sorry patsmom, you were right.</p>
<p>umm. Kids are cost. My mother is a cost. I’m a cost to my DH. All costs we willingly assumed, but yes, we cost. Girlfriends cost. They even cost me since when my boys have girlfriends and we have activities, I often feel they should be included, or my boys ask if they can be included and that costs money. It is a fact. If I invite you to lunch, willingly and I want to have you to lunch, and I offer to pay, you are a cost. Nothing wrong with being a cost. It just is.</p>
<p>We just pay for whatever expenses. Sometime we ask D. to pay or share in paying. She never argue. This is the least dramatic way. I do not like drama, money is not enough reason to have any in your life. There are other issues, like maintaining health…etc. that are important enough. Budgets/allowances seem to be too much to keep track and pay attention.</p>
<p>Wow! so you introduced your kids to others as high maintenance child or low maintenance child depending upon whether you spent less or more on their upbringing. Or may be $50K child or $200K child depending upon the child went to state university or Ivy league.</p>
<p>You might be used to referring to your wife as high or low maintenance too.
Maybe your parents have graduated to a high maintenance status.</p>
<p>I thought education open mind doors, make people smart, and thoughtful but it seems all in vein. What a waste of education…</p>
<p>It’s just a fact of life. Not a big deal in most of our lives. We have friends who have a million dollar baby, as they refer to her, as she was a 25 week preemie that cost that much her first year of life. I don’t think it was said in bad taste, though, I can see what you mean that it could. But yes, some of our kids are more expensive than others,and when they have steady girlfriends, the cost does go up for things. Just a statement of fact. I don’t think we use the terms high maintenance or cost, but if it comes up, yes, they cost money. College costs money, a lot of things cost money.</p>
<p>The difference between knowing when and how to say these things is judgment. That it is true, is something we all know.</p>
<p>Arguing semantics is about as interesting as watching mold grow on cheese tbh</p>
OK: our son played club and varsity soccer. Year round. It COST some money.
If he had chosen, say, hockey, it would have COST more money.
Equestrian events? It would have COST more money</p>
<p>What is wrong with acknowledging expenditures, no matter how happily made?</p>
<p>mafool: Nothing wrong in acknowledging expenditurers but it is wrong to say that you are burdened with cost of having a child.
There is cost associated with raising a child, doing an activity. An activity can be high or low maintenance not your children or parent or spouses.
You always refer to my child’s education cost is high and not my child is costly. Quantifying human is offensive.</p>
<p>This is a wrong statement.
<p>There is no cost of having GF. Cost is associated with activities that you do. You do activities without GF also. This is offensive and quantify a human as an object.</p>
<p>This is outrightly derogatory.
<p>Cost is associated with acitivities not with people. You can pick and choose low maintenance and high maintenance activities. Do you choose your children, parent or even spouses on that basis.</p>
<p>But it seems ‘jsanche32’ even categorized girls as such and friends with girls depending on the price tag (taste). What you call of this? It’s just a sick mentality.</p>
<p>Honestly, its like nothing gets through with you. You are ridiculously inflexible and you have a completely tunnel-vision mentality as to what others are actually saying.
I’ve dated quite a bit and in the spectrum of women (my age) you have ones that are a) introverted and therefore like to stay in and just hang out, and b) extroverted types who like to go out to clubs, bars etc…</p>
<p>Now, maybe this is too tough a concept for you to understand, but when I say high-maintenance I mean the women who always like to go out. When you go out with these types, you tend to spend a lot more money because you end up doing a lot of social things (like going to clubs, bars, lounges etc…) With the introverted types, you normally end up hanging out at home and then watching a movie. Which means, you normally spend less. Your problem (As I have mentioned several times here) is that you argue topics based on emotion. When that happens, your argument usually sounds pretty irrational, so I suggest you get some objectivity and check your emotions at the door.</p>
<p>Also, there is always an inherent opportunity cost to any activity. The time you spend with your GF could have been spent on something else. That is a cost.</p>