When do we find out?!

<p>I’m guessing they’ll update the status page… Didn’t get anything in email or by post today. We’ll see what happens, but I’m sure we can expect some sort of mail within the next week or so.</p>

<p>I have been waiting for nearly 5 months. I applied early decision and was deferred. You would think they could have made a decision by now?</p>

<p>SeanVA, i applied early decision too and was deferred! I hope we find out soon</p>

<p>i also got deferred from early decision. a buddy of mine just got accepted today for honors program and he applied regular decision. Made me a bit frustrated, seeing as this is my first choice school and ive been waiting for over 3 months to find out if i got in or not.</p>

<p>I’m in the same boat as Bmasta my friend who applied regular decision ROTC just got in and I applied early and haven’t heard from them since deferral.</p>

I applied using a paper application in order to use a fee waiver. I got the invitation to apply for the Honors Program in the mail, but I have no way to check my decision online. The e-mail listed on the letter they sent to say “we’ve got your app” doesn’t work in the ‘forgot password’ section of the decision logon page.</p>

<p>Does anyone have any idea when I’d find out or get confirmation in the mail? It’s not the end of the world (VT is my safety) but I’d like to know.</p>

<p>in case anyone else was having the same problems:
<a href=“http://www.inviteapp.banner.vt.edu%5B/url%5D”>www.inviteapp.banner.vt.edu</a>
Set up an account there, then use it to log on to the actual application page.</p>

<p>Guess they just let a random wave a few of my friends found out today, a mix of honors and non honors applicants.</p>

<p>InsaneDM: are you in state or out of state?
and for your friends that found out non honors, were they rejected or admitted?</p>

<p>I’m in state, all I have heard were admitted and I found out a lot of the people I heard that didn’t apply honors did apply for ROTC but there are still a few that I have no idea why they may have found out early</p>

<p>Honors applications are still going out. The notification date was 2/18 for honors eligible AND student that had already been evaluated and a decision made. It’s made clear not to worry if you don’t hear on this date. </p>

<p>If you do get an admit, but haven’t heard from honors, your formal offer letter will mention (paraphrase) ‘good job! Honors eligible. You’ll hear something soon.’. Again, the language used is more formal, but you get the idea. You have to get the formal invitation to apply to Honors with a due date. I guess these come in batches. This caused confusion at my students school as his Honors app was received in January with an early February due date. By stats alone most of his friends were eligible but didn’t hear until a few days ago.</p>

<p>Anyone who received Honors earlier just means they were evaluated earlier. I have no inside info on this, but I highly doubt your date of Honors offer has any correlation to your likelihood of being chosen. My guess is they’d rather begin evaluation applications as early as possible. </p>

<p>Good luck to everyone! I know it’s nerve-wracking. Try to spend the time doing things you won’t be able to next year. Enjoy being a Sr. You’ve waited a long time for this!!</p>

<p>DS received two envelopes from VT yesterday. A large one and a small one. Small one said he was honors eligible and how to apply, but stating it wasn’t an acceptance letter. Big one was the acceptance letter. </p>

<p>For reference, DS applied on the deadline. We’re in-state.</p>

<p>Good luck to everyone who is waiting–here’s hoping a big envelope arrives soon!</p>

<p>did your kids apply as transfers or freshmen?</p>

<p>When will we hear at last?</p>

<p>I don’t know when my decision was made, but when I checked on the website, it said that I was admitted.But I never got anything in the mail either about honors or acceptance letter. It seems kind of weird to me!</p>

<p>I still haven’t heard anything yet. :)</p>

<p>VT does waves. I am sure they are probably more “in tuned” to doing waves this yr for 1 reason…the economy. By doing waves they also get students turning down the offer and that allows them to better eye ball how many acceptance letters to send out.</p>

<p>College is like any business they have limited supply (offers) and must keep that number in their purview at all times. To do it in waves allows them some control over the supply.</p>

<p>Is anyone else going crazy waiting? Because I definitely am. I’ve turned into this obsessive, I-check-my-status-five-times-a-day person, but maybe that’s just me! And the decisions come right around my 18th birthday, so hopefully this won’t ruin my birthday. Haha</p>

I know exactly how you feel! Its getting hard to concentrate on things other than Virginia Tech!</p>

<p>RD applicants who did not qualify for the honors program (as in did not meet the requirements of a 3.75+ GPA paired with a 1350+ combined SAT or 30+ composite ACT) will hear on March 18th. If you call the admissions office, there is a recorded message that says the decisions will be available online in the evening and also will be sent out via mail. Those who qualified for the honors program found out February 18th.</p>