When do we find out?!

<p>Well actually I should have been qualified for the honors program. My SAT is 1390 and GPA is 70/100 on the Turkish educational system scale. However, they may have hard time interpreting my GPA and thinking that it means C-, but that’s not the case. :)</p>

<p>OMGMIT: One of my sons best friends also qualifies for Honors by the standards posted but he was not admitted in February. I don’t know what that means but just so you are aware , you are not the only one who is Honors Q’d who has not heard from VT. Good luck to you!</p>

<p>7 more days!!! :)</p>

Thank you. I hope I will be admitted. :)</p>

<p>My son who was invited to apply for Honors (and did so) did not receive acceptance on Feb 18. We talked with Admissions and they informed us that in a lot of cases Honors eligible students did not have all required info in ontime for a Feb 18 decision and would be notified on 18 Mar. Our son was missing his mid-term grades. Good luck to all!</p>

<p>So is the consensus that everyone should be hearing back by the 18th?</p>

<p>Yes. (10 chars)</p>

<p>I can’t wait :)</p>

<p>Yupp I was informed today by my guidance counselor that decisions should be posted at 5pm Friday the 18th</p>