Where are all the black People at

<p>“Unless it’s UC Merced and Riverside, where you’re guaranteed an acceptance if you don’t get into the other UC schools.”</p>

<p>Not so. UCR admited maybe 62 percent UC eligible (generally top 10 percent) upfront, then had a wait list.</p>

<p><a href=“http://www.ucop.edu/news/factsheets/2011/fall_2011_admissions_table1.pdf[/url]”>http://www.ucop.edu/news/factsheets/2011/fall_2011_admissions_table1.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Oh wow. Thank you Shrinkrap for clearing that up!</p>

<p>Just to clarify, UC Riverside…has a beautiful campus…but Riverside is not where you want to live. Well at least to me. I live 30 mins away from there, and its just DEAD lol. Not as many opps. like in UCLA or USC. Merced is VERY dead…i didn’t even know it existed until I heard Michelle Obama did the commencement. lol</p>


Why were you mad? Those are the facts, that minority applicants have lower SAT’s in general. The Naval Academy clearly held minority applicants to a lower standard. Just because you are part of the population that is being talked about doesn’t mean you have to take it personally. Asians were one of the groups that benefited from AA in the Naval Academy and I’m not offended. I actually would prefer if they didn’t have AA there, seeing as those are the people who are going to be handling some of the military’s most advanced equipment and leading troops into war.</p>

<p>The person wasn’t saying that all minorities all inferior and need the help. You were the one who made it seem condescending.</p>



<p>I actually did post about AA in the general discussion boards, but it seems like all the discussion about AA is on this board. I didn’t forget about those other groups, and in those cases AA is just as stupid. I’m going to repeat myself here, but remember, I’m against AA, not black people.</p>


Sorry if I wasn’t clear. I meant like the boards for say, Penn specifically, or the boards for Berkeley specifically. School specific boards, basically. </p>



<p>I have never said minorities don’t deserve getting into top schools. I am not attacking anybody, so don’t twist it to make it seem as if this is cyber-bullying or harassment. </p>


SERIOUSLY for the last time, I have no “need to hate on” minorities. I have repeated this over, and over, and over again. I HAVE NOTHING AGAINST MINORITIES. Understand now? I do dislike the concept of affirmative action. Jeez is it that hard to comprehend?</p>


I never said that a black person can’t get into a school unless they have AA… When did I say they are less intelligent, don’t work as hard, or are less determined to get into ____ school? How do you even know that “minority” applicant isn’t native american, or mexican, or whatever? Yes, that time it was just one example and I was bitter then. But I’m not anymore and it was just one example where when you look at test scores and class rank, it was kind of surprising. Even more at some other schools where our top, literally top, students did not get in and they did. Replace minority with legacy and I’d be just as disappointed then. </p>

<p>You seem to have this amazing ability to ignore the links I post from Duke, Princeton, and the Naval Academy BTW.</p>

<p>I wish UD did that ^.^ </p>

<p>@Marine- That’s awesome! You’re a junior, right?'</p>

<p>I have a general question. I took the National French exam but I only placed top 10 in my region (6th) not in the national ): (13th). I’m applying for some summer programs, and I was wondering if I should include both rankings on my resume?</p>

<p>This is a legit question, btw. Are awards on a national level insignificant if they aren’t in the top 10 ?</p>



<p>Well, it isn’t. Ever heard of the search function? Here’s a useful link for you:</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-admissions/927219-race-college-admission-faq-discussion-8-a.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-admissions/927219-race-college-admission-faq-discussion-8-a.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Go there and discuss affirmative action. That’s not what this board is for.</p>

<p>I like NuclearPenguin. He’s got spunk. Even though everybody on this forum clearly gangs up on him, in some cases personally attacking him, he never backs down from his argument, which does have valid points, even if I do not agree with all of them. </p>

<p>NuclearPenguin, I salute you.</p>


So says you. This forum can/will be about whatever issues concern African-American students including affirmative action. Who discusses AA and where they post is certainly not up to you.</p>

<p>nvmd y’all, I included both. Now everything’s in God’s hands ^.^</p>

<p>lol. You tell 'em, ksarmand</p>

<p>**Affirmative Action is a high-interest subject for many. CC provides ample opportunity to discuss and debate that topic HERE: <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-admissions/927219-race-college-admission-faq-discussion-8-a.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-admissions/927219-race-college-admission-faq-discussion-8-a.html&lt;/a&gt; </p>

<p>In general, as a matter of courtesy, posters should look to the OP (opening post) as key to what is on and off topic for that thread. In the OP of the thread we’re now reading, OP asked for ideas on why African American posters do or don’t visit this subforum of CC. That’s a far cry from debating/discussing Affirmative Action.**</p>


It will be interesting to see who introduces the topic of AA in threads that do not begin on that topic.</p>

<p>thank you paying3tuitions</p>

<p>Aglages, I agree. These message boards are for African American students to discuss issues that they feel are important. However, the topic of AA seems to be more of a concern for you, since that is the only time you post on the African American message boards.</p>


Where on this site (CC) does it say “these message boards” are for students only or for African-Americans only?</p>

<p>After you fail to answer those questions perhaps you can review the posts on just the first page of threads and see if you can determine “who” has initiated the topic of AA on this particular forum. Do not believe for a second that you can limit who may join in the discussion after it has begun.</p>

<p>Reread Post #93 with utmost care:</p>

<p>Paragraph 1 was clear guidance from the Moderators.

Take</a> the direction.</p>

<p>Paragraph 2 was a comment on good manners

Take the hint.</p>


<p>This conversation was started by Marinebiosax saying this:</p>



<p>She was talking about why she DOESNT go on this board anymore. Myself, Marinebiosax, and MRluggs talked about it for about 3 or 4 posts, and then it was over, moving on to the next conversation. This was until Nuclear Penguins posted this:</p>



<p>Nuclear Penguins i guess bitter and ready to start an argument with the rest of the people on this thread. Pointless and unrelated. And then you(aglages) add to the conversation by this:</p>



<p>I don’t know why you felt necessary to say this. Harassment is not okay, and you read the posters on here obviously expressing their discontent for the conversation and attempting to ignore Nuclear. And then you try to force the conversation. I don’t understand this at all.</p>


<p>Obviously, parents are welcome to comment on the message boards of CC. However, I see no reason for you to be rude just because you disagree with someone on a particular topic. As I said before, you rarely show up to add to conversations that do not involve AA and your focus is clearly not to deal with other concerns about college admissions within the African American community. Your main concern is AA and that is the only reason you comment. The point is not who begins the conversation, but the fact that you routinely make an appearance to be sarcastic and rude. I don’t have a problem with you voicing your opinion, but as paying3tuitions stated, you should be courteous when doing so. That is the problem with these AA debates, not so much the debates themselves.</p>

<p>CC does not specify that the Specialty College Admissions Topics African American board is for African Americans only, but AA, as you would see when you scroll down the main page, is not the only concern of African American students (or their parents). This particular section of the site has become a place where African Americans can come and talk to each other about various topics, which is how this particular board got started.</p>

<p>Oh, wow. I just reread my comment about why I don’t go on the Hispanic board that much and it sounded so rude… I apologize! What I meant was, there are a lot of Hispanics / parents with Hispanic kids on that board and I don’t see many students posting. The parents on that board are very helpful :). Sorry if that came off harsh.
That was off topic, but I had to address my comment.</p>

<p>But I agree. aglages, obviously everyone is welcome to post on this board, but I’ve seen that you, davidthefat, and NuclearPenguins rarely ever post here if the topic is not about AA or race in some form. Please don’t come here and ask those questions. If you want to discuss such topics, go to the “Race” thread.</p>

<p>I also agree. Everyone is welcomed to post on this forum. However, let’s avoiding introducing AA topics.</p>

<p>let’s move on xD, guys.</p>