Where are all the black People at

<p>Everyone is certainly welcome on the board. </p>

<p>So anywho, moving on. Did any one see that laker game! Disgraceful psh! lol</p>

<p>Or what about Michelle Obama doing the dougie( so entertaining)</p>

<p>I have to say, the first family is so entertaining, and reminds me of a normal family. Not one that is trying to hide everything and act like they are above everyone. Just normal and down to earth=)</p>

<p>I love it. Although, I am not happy with the President right now. He should have never put tax cuts in place. If anything,we need them raised. I have no problem with that if it is going to help the economy. Being in debt is a major problem.Especially to China.</p>

<p>I hate the LAKERS SOOO MUCH.
I’m a Celtics fan, and I’ve never liked Kobe Bryant.</p>

<p>Lol. Michelle did her thing. And yes, the first family is sooo entertaining.</p>

<p>I’m fine with Obama. Even though he’s not doing the best job, he’s working very hard. One thing that really bothers me is when people say the most vulgar things about him :confused: Like whenever I scroll down my Facebook wall, someone posts " Obama’s such a bleep bleep bleepity," “I hope he dies,” etc.
I understand people not agreeing with his politics, but to wish death on someone is just down right cruel.</p>

<p>The lakers are kind of making me cry aha. Their dynasty will probably crumble, just like the Spurs. But my Memphis Grizzlies are killing :smiley: Came back from 16 points and absolutely murdered the Oklahoma City Durcan’ts / Westbums. bahaha.
I was rooting for the Celtics tonight, because I knew they wouldn’t lose at home.</p>

<p>I’m really indifferent on politics + Obama. People on my friends list are beyond out of hand, saying, ‘The only difference between Obama and Osama is a b’ and wishing it was Obama that got killed instead of Osama. Ridiculous.</p>

<p>I don’t understand when kids say that. It is so obnoxious and ignorant! People do this all the time with justin Beiber and Rebecca Black. Its not cute. I would never wish death on someone. Its stupid ugh!</p>

<p>I really wish there was a dislike button on facebook!</p>


The lack of common sense in the above quote is startling! What is posted is not my decision to make (that generally belongs to the individual making the post), but I certainly can make a judgment call about what belongs and what doesn’t. I’ve seen enough of these threads come and go to know what moderators don’t appreciate. I’m puzzled as to how you think that it was not within my purview to call you out for making posts that would be more appropriate elsewhere. You’re welcome to discuss whatever topics you’d like, but taking discussions off track to focus on only one issue makes it hard to see how you contribute to this section of the CC community.</p>

<p>This will be the last post I make addressing you on this issue - if you’d like to discuss anything further, please send me a private message.</p>



<p>I was sad that she didn’t break out into the full Cat Daddy. :(</p>

<p>But if we’re lucky, the next video for Michelle’s campaign will feature Movin’ like Berney…that dance is actually a workout (and a very good exercise in foolishness).</p>

<p>^This guy is hilarious!</p>

<p>Come on guys. LEts just ignore him! Its not worth the energy to respond to him. He is obviously enjoying our discontent. IF we show him no mind, he will go away.</p>

<p>Oh man If she did the cat daddy. She would be my favorite first lady. Oh wait, she already is lol. Whats movin like Berney</p>

<p>[Movin</a>’ Like Berney](<a href=“moving like berney (Berney dance) - YouTube”>moving like berney (Berney dance) - YouTube) is an abomination.</p>

<p>Omgosh! This is straight ignorance! lmao.</p>

<p>These guys surf around african american threads looking for someone to fight with on the AA issue. Obviously, they have other issues, AA is just a way to get out some racial frustration. I guarantee AA is not the ONLY issue thay have with black people. </p>

<p>Remonds me of when I am fighting with my girlfriend, it usually not one thing that sets her off…it builds from 10 other miscues over the past week.</p>

<p>Nuclear- I don’t think he meant EVERYONE. just the usual people who always spark AA debates and aggravate everyone, and then degrade and attack others. </p>

<p>For example, davidthefat. He’s Asian. He always comes on threads talking about AA. he came on my High School Life thread asking about it, knowing that the usual thread visitors have been through those discussions. When I told him to not bring that to my thread, he immediately got defensive and said he only wanted an AA’s perspective. Even though there are thousands of threads on AA that give African american’s perspectives.</p>


Lol, so because your tennis coach is black means you’re not racist? Okay.</p>

<p>Aglages and Nuclear, shes not saying your racist. Shes just pointing out that it doesn’t mean anything for ANYONE, that if you know someone or have a coach of a different race, that you are automatically not racist. You can still be racist even if you have some type of relation with the different race. </p>

<p>But Nuclear and Aglages, you guys do bring a sort of bitterness to the argument. I agree with Smitty. People, particularly davidthefat, nuclear, and aglages, search around only on this board to spark argument about AA and leave.</p>

<p>Lol, aglages. It’s a good thing your opinion is essentially worthless.
Anyways. No, NuclearPenguins, I don’t have the time or the patience to do that, mainly because I wasn’t saying you were racist.
What point were you trying to prove by saying you had a black coach? I don’t understand. I have a half-black father and I could be just as racist as the next person.</p>

<p>okay this is not good. The conversation is turning back to those idiots. </p>

<p>So anyway. </p>

<p>Marinebio you say your a junior? Are you excited bout being a senior next year? I would be! Oh did you take your SATs?</p>

Im so disappointed in the Lakers though! Man we got swept! UGH! lol
Celtics are gonna lose too. lol</p>

<p>AHAHAHA. I feel bad for Phil Jackson, though. Not the best way to end a career ^.^
And no they won’t. We have just the momentum we need. Just you wait and see. </p>

<p>The kids at my school are obsessed with the Bernie. I can’t stand it :P</p>

<p>Yes, I’m excited for senior year. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
I’m focusing on the ACT, actually. And the SAT subject tests which I have yet to study for… le sigh.
School + exams + volunteering + working = disaster.
I will have mastered 6 languages by the time I graduate, though, which is a huge accomplishment for me. :)</p>

<p>Anyways. I was never a Lakers “fan”, per se, but the sweeping was just sad LOL. Phil Jackson would be a pretty cool president though.</p>

<p>Nuclear penguins- my former friends were biracial. Black and white. Their mother, their sole caretaker, was extremely overtly racist against blacks. Yet she has a black boyfriend and black kids. </p>

<p>Watch the movie NeoNed. Gabrielle Union. I know many people who are racist, and not secretive about it, but still willingly interact with the people they are racist against.</p>

<p>ANYWAY— I’m a junior too :)</p>

<p>I think it was time for the lakers to lose lol they have won for the past 2 years…
Im with you mrluggs im a celtics fan too!
But im also feeling the Mavericks this year so I wouldnt mind if they won the championship lol…</p>