Worried parent

<p>Thank you all for great suggestions and ideas. Our D got into the women’s choir she wanted, so that has given her an outlet that she enjoys with people who share a love for music. She did attend a Bible study on her hall, and we’re encouraging her to continue that. Apparently all the clubs do a fair-type thing after Labor Day, so she plans to attend that and then join a writers’ group and possibly a couple of other clubs. One good thing about a large school (and she was aware of this before but might have forgotten) is that there are so many things going on all the time, and you can be as busy and involved as you choose to be. She was feeling much better last night but says she will just take things one day at a time. We reminded her that high school was very similar–it took her a couple of years to get where she wanted to be socially (she is an introvert). She sent me an email thanking me for an earlier note telling her that I believe in her, that she is stronger than she thinks, and she can succeed. I think the best thing I can do is encourage her, remind her of her talents and strengths, and listen to her complaints with an open mind (and try not to get too emotionally wrapped up in her drama). Thanks to this group for your thoughtful advice and your empathy. It’s so helpful to learn from others who have walked this path!</p>

<p>Okay, quilterkitty, tell your daughter to put on her sneakers and go slide down the railing at the Union. The best one is on the side facing Lake Laverne (we called it Lake Latreen). It is the greatest railing ever.</p>