<p>Int'l Student from Morocco , I didn't get the score I wanted in the SAT 1 , took the SAT 2 but will take TOEFL on January 10 , and Retake SAT 1 on January 24th ... But I still didn't apply to any college , I prefer to wait until I get my score when I'll retake SAT 1 , it should be about 15 February , and I wanted to know if I could find THEN some international friendly colleges whome deadline is after February</p>
<p>Thx in Advance </p>
<p>PS: I will also be applying for Financial Aid ( Full Tuition ) thx</p>
<p>I can’t apply now because I don’t even have the TOELF ( Jan. 10 th ) and I dunno what my sat scores will look like and I don’t want apply just for applying and not being sure of anything :s</p>
<p>I would venture to guess that not a single college with need-based aid for internationals would accept your application in February. Merit aid will also be very hard to get by that time. All scholarships I am aware of have application deadlines in December or January, or are awarded on a first-come-first-serve basis (which means that February will most likely be too late as well).</p>
<p>Your standardized test scores are certainly not the most important part of your application. Your high school record, ECA, essays etc. will matter more. So it will be better for you if you form a college list and apply now based on those stats. Your scores SAT and TOEFL scores will reach the colleges on time, I am sure. With regards to your question–yes, I think it will be too late!</p>
<p>yeha… lik bb says… ur standardised scores are only a part of the application… gettin ur applications on time is more important… ter r several colleges that have deadlines in febraury n march… but to expect full tuition… it might be too late…</p>
<p>All what the above said, and I would suggest you visit individual college websites and see whats the last acceptable date for taking standardized tests. Stanford, Columbia, Dartmouth, Middlebury are just a few to name who don’t accept scores later than the december date…</p>
<p>Sorry to break in like that but I have a kind of relevant question.
I took the TOEFL in JUNE but managed to request score reports only yesterday (I know I know it’s just my stupidity: I thought they would get them online in no time, I never thought it would take 2 WEEKS). The thing is that 2 weeks will pass after the Jan 1 deadline. Is it a disaster or I’m just panicking?</p>
<p>Colleges want <em>your</em> application by Jan 1, but they will usually accept transcripts, recommendations and test scores for a few more weeks.</p>
<p>@Alone: I don’t really get it when you say TOEFL is just a pass/fail test? Do you mean that when an international applicant meets the minimum requirement of TOEFL (say, 81-83 for most colleges), the adcom will look at other parts of the application without ever considering the TOEFL score anymore?</p>