Yale University Admissions Fall 2022

Ah were people viewing having 1 address as a good thing? I would have viewed it negatively bc it means they discarded of the mailing address, which is quite crucial for whatever they ship out to admitted applicants :fearful:


I think everyone is reading way too much into this. Has anyone in past threads demonstrated that itā€™s indeed a tell?

Please point to your source.

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As per the discussion in other groups, we should have 2 addresses: permanent and mailing address. Not sure if itā€™s good or bad.

Is it so? Coz i only have one address on my portal

I have no idea. I really donā€™t think it means anything. I have both but it might depend on intl v domestic. Iā€™m domestic

Unless someone explains whether itā€™s good or bad and why (i.e. how does it logically related to an admission decision) and demonstrates that this has proved accurate in the past - itā€™s a waste of time IMO.


I donā€™t believe it has any relevanceā€¦we will find out in a few days:)

Just 3 more days and it will be clear. I know that itā€™s difficult to wait but we canā€™t do anything. Trying different things may be negative as someone mentioned earlier.


I think the closest correlation that can be brought about would be the situation with Stanford REA, in that admitted students had both mailing and permanent, and all otherwise had only permanent.

The reason being is because admitted students have an acceptance package mailed to them.

However I believe the Stanford issue occurred hours prior to decision results.

Overall this is merely whimsical speculation and shouldnā€™t be taken seriously.

My son has just one address in Stanford portal, and mailing address has nothing saying if different.
Permanent Address (required)

Current Mailing Address (if different)

I agree. I also think the decisions have been made. They are just doing the uploading and setting up the portals.

My DD got into BC last Thursday evening and we received her big envelope today.
We are on the west coast and the mail here takes forever. I believe they sent those out Weds or Thurs AM at the latest in order to make it here by Monday morning.
It takes 3-5 days to get mail within my own county.

I believe decisions are a done deal and itā€™s now all just putting them into the portals to be released at once.

Yes, that was the fix for the issue that already occurred back in REA!

Itā€™s difficult to get accepted in Stanford so I have no hope for my son. I just want acceptance from one Ivy. He has full ride from UTD, 16K from UMass, no aid from Wisconsin Madison. So far we are inclined towards UTD unless we hear positive from one of the Ivy. Just 3 more daysā€¦


Take the full ride and run! :grinning:


My son is inclined towards that too, its just me not able to convince myself :slight_smile:


Itā€™s a crapshoot, but someone has to get in. As my DD saidā€¦
You definitely will not get in if you donā€™t apply.
Granted your chances are higher if youā€™re coming from a boarding feeder school, but they all canā€™t come from those schools.

Weā€™re not expecting anything but are still nervously hopeful.
Good luck to your son. It sounds like he has solid options.


Thanks and good luck to you too! He doesnā€™t have any awards and that is causing problems for him. All other stuffs are very good. We are also from a public school and I doubt if anyone has got in Stanford from my sonā€™s school. So, no hope but letā€™s see.


Personally, I did get into some honors in my state (NJ) and received full rides, but Iā€™m not betting on any acceptance to an Ivy. LOL.

One can hope, and nothing more.

Good luck to your son!! Thereā€™s options at the very least.


Last year my son received 3 full rides and then he got into Yaleā€¦



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