Yale University Admissions Fall 2022

Good point. Many kids brag about having conversations that went beyond the 30 minutes. That does not necessarily indicate that they made a good impression.


Interview just scheduled–North TX

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Coolio. How did they contact you?

an alum emailed today

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My daughter submitted her application on Dec 21, no interview yet, we are in NJ. Good luck to all who received interviews calls!!

Mine hasn’t received an interview either, submitted in late Dec.

has anyone in the bay area who applied RD been interviewed or received an invitation to one? I submitted my application in late December and still haven’t heard anything.

As per their website:

Because of limited virtual interviewing capacity, the Office of Undergraduate Admissions will prioritize interviews for students for whom the Admissions Committee needs more information.

So if you haven’t been asked to interview (my D hasn’t been either), it could simply be because they have all the information they need.


Anyone got interview in Washington DC area? Applied December end

Anyone got interview in Washington DC area? Applied December end

My D22 just had her Yale interview and, out of 3 done so far, it’s the first one she truly enjoyed. She’s on the shy and quiet side but the interviewer somehow managed to draw her out and turn the interview into a real/dynamic conversation. Of course, probably doesn’t mean anything in terms of odds of admission (which the interviewer also indicated).

Good luck everyone! FYI - we’re in the UK.


in Va. Nothing yet.

@RajS and @igana, see my post above:


Same in NJ. No interview yet :smiling_face_with_tear:

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Nothing here in NY

In the Northwest, interviewers began contacting students last weekend and interviews, at least for my kid and their friends, were scheduled this week.

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Thanks much for the info and good luck to your kid!!

Nothing in IL so far!

DS had his interview last Friday. We are in the Northeast.


how much % of class is already filled with ED?