Yale University Admissions Fall 2022

Yale doesn’t have ED so those admitted early are not bound to a Yale commitment of acceptance. It’s impossible to factually know what % is filled. Certainly, Yale’s yield is pretty high, however.

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Yale does not have ED, only restricted EA. Therefore it is impossible for us to know what % of the class is filled since EAs are not as committed to the institution as EDs. Still, we can estimate what percent of total offers have been made.

According to yai blog post of 12/15/21 ~800 EA applicants and ~80 Questbridge applicants have been accepted already. In Fall 2020 Yale offered admission to ~2,300 students in order to fill a class of ~1,250 students. Therefore, assuming a similar number of offers are extended for the class Fall 2022, roughly 38% (880/2,300) of offers have already been made.

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So only 62% roughly left for wide pool. it is very low acceptance rate then

But remember that probably over 200 of the 800 were recruited athletes. Also the Fall 2020 entering class of 1,267 and the entering class in 2021 of 1,789 are distorted by deferrals related to Covid (341 deferred in 2020, which then created the bulge in 2021). I would expect 2,200- 2,300 to be admitted, unless they anticipate lower yield because apps are up so much.


Thanks for sharing useful information, my d still no interview

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My daughter was contacted today for an interview this week. We are in southern California.

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I was contacted last Friday for an interview, in Florida

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It’s encouraging that interviews are still being conducted. Has anyone been contacted in Illinois?

Interviews will be assigned to alumni through March 1. While an interview is not guaranteed, there are still about 3 weeks left for you to be contacted for an interview.

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Should we email the admission office making sure? Incase an email was lost or something regarding alumni interviews

I would not call. Check email daily and you’ll see if you get an interview request. Not everyone does, and that is not a
reflection of admission status.

Kid contacted by phone yesterday. So interviewers are still initiating contact as of early February. But I agree that it’s not supposed to make a difference to admission whether you are selected for an interview or not: all information seems to indicate it’s by interviewer availability, at least for a lot of schools (maybe not Yale; I can’t remember if that’s a school that preselects based on need for additional info).

I got a likely letter today and was welcomed into the Class of 2026 as a YES scholar!! An AO emailed me the day before and asked to set up a time to call. They mentioned how my interview was impressive.

Stats/etc: Asian male in CS; 4.0; 1550 SAT; 36 ACT; NMSF; Good ECs with regional/state/minor national awards in which some were CS-related (robotics, internship at Fortune 100)


congrats! impressive




That’s awesome. Congratulations!!

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Congratulations, that’s excellent!!!

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Would the interview email come from Yale admissions or from the interviewer themself?

Interviewer in my kid’s case, for Yale and other schools, and when I used to interview for my Alma mater the communication would come directly from me

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