Yale University Admissions Fall 2022


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Directly from the alumni interviewer. They’ll be using their personal or work email address, so it will not look like it’s coming from Yale.

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Still no interview… we are waiting

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We are in MN, applied on Jan 3rd.

My son interviewed a few weeks ago. He was nervous but said it was relaxed and informal, conversational. He enjoyed it

how long was the interview for?

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Nearly an hour

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My daughter’s interview was just over an hour.

Did you do any type of research/ research paper ?

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I had my interview last week, I think it went really great! My interviewer really tried to answer all my questions, and we made a great conversation. I felt that it was very 2-way and not just me talking at him about my achievements/goals.

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Has anyone in the Cincinnati area received an interview? Ty!

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Has anyone received a likely letter?

@Ninjafroggy10 did.
See their thread here:


Can anyone receive a likely letter without an interview and does the likely letter arrive via email or regular mail? Thank you!

No personal experience, but based on what I’ve heard - yes.
But also keep in mind very, very few non-athletes will receive these. They mostly only go to selected URM and first-gen applicants and a few other highly desirable (to Yale) applicants. The vast majority of accepted students will not receive a LL.

I believe these are sent via email, but I don’t know for sure. Yale also calls certain recipients in advance.

Appreciate your insight always!! I assume our girls have applied to many of the same schools

How are you as parents feeling about the whole thing? The chatter at my daughter’s school is that even non-ivy’s are accepting less candidates. The kids at her school are freaking out about the University of Florida.

These last two years have been rough in terms of acceptance into IVys. I was optimistic but I am preparing for a train of rejections based on today’s climate. When I see the stats and accomplishments of some kids, I am not sure my kid even has a chance.


Thanks :blush: Happy to help.

Ha ha! Yes, that seems to be the case indeed.

Keeping fingers crossed it all works out.

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(maybe we should move this question to this thread: Parents of the HS Class of 2022)

but… in brief, feeling a lot less confident now than when we started back in October. :confused:


I feel the same way although we weren’t that much more confident back in October.
I just want this whole thing to be over soon, and hope my DD will be a happy student in six months wherever she ended up going to.