Yale University Admissions Fall 2022

It’s a different number.

Maybe call Financial Aid

For me everything was updated in time! But the FAFSA account showed up on my checklist out of nowhere honestly

Um this is not about me filling out the FAFSA, it’s just that I am international and FAFSA is for domestic students. It never was on my checklist until i logged in recently and I saw that it appeared there march 4th

If FAFSA is not even a requirement for you, I wouldn’t worry about it. For my daughter’s portal, it still shows as missing and I am not concerned.

Are you domestic? if yes, then you maybe should worry…

If you said no to aid, does it mean it doesn’t give you scholarships either?

Yale does not award merit scholarships, only need based aid.



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No interview for my DS22 in IL… Did any of you have the Financial Aid date changed to March? Just curious…

Which financial aid date?

Any of them? Did any dates got changed or updated?

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Would it really matter anything?

Well, just being curious, that’s all.


Is not getting an interview for an international applicant a red flag? I am applying from the UK.

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idk about other colleges from Ivy League, but my cousin, Yale Class of 2019, got in from Nepal without an Interview.


Yale says on their website that they’re prioritizing interviews only for those applicants from whom they need more information. So if you didn’t get an interview request you shouldn’t worry.


does anyone’s portal have dots after the ‘status green tick’ ?

This was discussed in the Emory chat and seems to be related to your browser. Does not seem to be indicative of anything.

I don’t think so cause out of 8 colleges 5 of the portals show dots and the other 3 don’t show.