"You look like an east coast kid"

<p>Yeah, so, when talking to my friends about colleges, often appears the subject of whether we're "California" kids, ivy league kids, etcetc.
I'm just wondering, but what are your takes on the type of "east coast" vs "west coast" kids?</p>

<p>West Coast kids are better…that’s all.</p>

What about the mid-west kids?! :P</p>

<p>Anyway, if I had to stereotype east coast kids, I would say they are collared shirt, ivy-bound city kids. West Coast kids would be chill, outdoorsy, and rich. (Keep in mind, these stereotypes are totally void of any actually basis, they are just societal imprints :P)</p>

<p>west coast kids say “hella” lol…well at least in the bay area.</p>

<p>We hella say hella a hella lot in Washington too my hella good friend.</p>

<p>I think I was separated at birth from my real family. I live in crappy ol’ LA, yet I belong with those ivy-bound city kids!!</p>

<p>^Obstinate and I must be long-lost relatives, separated from our large East-Coast family.</p>



<p>Not in Southern California. That expression is a northern thing.</p>

<p>Yeah it hella is a hella Northern thing like up here in Washingtonia.</p>

<p>Yes; people in the Pacific Northwest say it all the time.</p>

<p>Hella is also a hella common thing to say in New Yawk.</p>

<p>East coast kids have more class and are always in a hurry (I walk a helluva lot faster than anyone at my current school!). West coast kids are hippies and nicer. I would chose to live on the east coast over the west coast any day. This is coming from someone who lived in Washington DC for 16 years and Oregon for the past 2 years.</p>

<p>gigg, where are u from in dc? I am from nova(langley hi). I agree w you btw!!! Just moved to LA, 1:4 ratio of barbies to normal peeps. Plus i said hella all my life (sorta exaggerating) =P</p>

<p>I’m from Arlington. I wish I was in LA rather than Oregon lol. Langley is where the CIA is right?</p>

<p>I hate people that say hella. It’s <em>really</em> lame.</p>

<p>You’re hella lame ThisCouldBeHeavn.</p>

<p>West coast kids are not private school p*ssies.</p>

<p>As mentioned earlier, what about us Midwest kids? :P</p>

<p>Well if you live in Chicago, then you count as east coast :P</p>

<p>East Coasters are walk faster, hands down. (thats why I get impatient when my friends from Cali come visit lol)</p>