2013/2014 Decision

<p>I wish I were rich. :(</p>

<p>I got in with a 28 on ACT!!! So excited !!!</p>

<p>@leo0895, me, a 26. Anything can happen, I guess.</p>

<p>Accepted with a 35 and 2190-great news after being deferred from University of Chicago. YAY!</p>

<p>Deferred with a 33 ACT and 3.75 GPA :/</p>

<p>Yay! I got in, so excited!
Oh, and for those of you getting need based aid/scholarships…
Where it says Fall, and then a number, and Spring, and then a number, are you supposed to add those two numbers together? If I got the amount for just one of the two, that’d be great. But if I’m supposed to subtract both of them from the $57,000 total cost? Holy cow, I thought they didn’t really give that much money, I’m in disbelief. It just doesn’t make sense.</p>

<p>Accepted EA! Very happy. The essays were worth it.</p>

<p>i got in! 4.0 gpa and 2180 sat</p>

<p>Accepted EA! 3.96 GPA and 2100 SAT</p>

<p>Accepted EA!! My parents started crying, they were so happy. 4.0 gpa, 2260 sat (720 m/750 cr/790 w) +an arts supplement</p>

<p>Also, to anyone worried about the essays, I have two things to say: a) for the “why early” question I think I wrote two sentences at most, something along the lines of I love this school for the reasons stated above and I can see myself going here; and b) the block plan essay doesn’t have to be all that practical. Mine was an “investigative psychology” class about political socialization in communist Russia and it was very rambly and all over the place. As long as you show what you’re interested in, you should be fine! So don’t be turned off by the essays. I hope I helped someone applying RD or in the coming years. Congrats to fellow admits!</p>

<p>Don’t fret if your missing your mid-year report and final transcript, you can submit those in January (after the mid year) and if you get in, they’ll want your final transcript in May.</p>

<p>nope Guille19…i was rejected…I loved CC :frowning: ah well, i’ll try my luck at an ED2 now…i just wish i knew WHY…i thought my essays weren’t bad…as for the block plan essay, they did say that we should have fun with it…and i did!!hmmmmmmmmm…oh well, as one republic says “everything that kills me makes me feel alive”…i only have more determination to get somewhere better now :D</p>

<p>What were your stats? I mean, I’m trying to see if I apply ED2 to CC because I’m also an international student with HIGH need. I’m from Central America though</p>

<p>Has anyone received an official acceptance letter in the mail yet? Or will they send those out in January?</p>

<p>Rejected EA with a 4.10 and a 33 on the ACT</p>

<p>Accepted EA with:</p>

<p>GPA (unweighted) - 3.63
GPA (weighted) - 3.78</p>

<p>SAT - 1910
SAT MATH - 550
SAT WRITING - 670</p>

<p>I’m surprised I got in actually. I guess my extra-curricular activities, essays, recommendations, and possibly the fact that I’m a URM helped. I also had a somewhat rigorous course schedule (8 APs and 7 Honors classes). So that might have contributed.</p>

<p>My son accepted EA with:</p>

<p>SAT 1: 2030 and scores above 600 in 4 Subject Tests (Bio, Chem, Math 1 and Literature)</p>

<p>Is there a Facebook group for the Class of 2018? If so, could you please invite me (Nick Weber) to it. I’m currently a freshman there and am curious about next year’s freshmen.</p>

<p>@bored2tears, it’s pretty active. cool peeps. I guess you just look up COlorado College Class of 2018, it should pop up.</p>

<p>Do any accepted students know when we should expect an official acceptance letter in the mail. We have the Congrats on the portal, but I would think something official in writing would come soon?</p>