2015 African Americans thread...

<p>yeah, but if i don’t wanna give up speech & debate :(</p>

<p>I just thought I’d poke my head into the 2015 thread, even though I obviously don’t belong, to offer a tidbit of advice. If you guys are already on CC, then you’re ahead of the game. </p>

<p>Last year, I thought it would be pure folly to apply to any top 50 schools, even after I had gotten my SAT scores (which were pretty decent, though they would attract scorn here on CC). I applied to a lot of safeties and didn’t research them well enough, which is why the full rides I have are to places like Howard, Hampton, and St. Johns, none of which I feel comfortable at. Honestly, don’t sell yourself short. </p>

<p>If you have SATs in the ~95th percentile, a good class rank, good ECs (or an even better reason for not having any), and the willpower to do well, then apply to the top schools that really attract you. I regret not applying to WUStL, Duke, Northwestern, Boston University, University of Florida, and UC Berkley. I wanted to, but talked myself out of it because I thought I wasn’t qualified; I applied to the Ivies because I wanted to see what would happen–maybe, I thought, I would get a surprise acceptance that I would save for posterity. I didn’t research the statistics of the students that got in; I simply assumed (big, big mistake) that the students who got in were all genius-caliber, 4.0, 2300+ type kids. My parents were gung-ho for me to go to a CUNY school, major in nursing, and perhaps go for a masters in the field if I was ambitious enough. Worst of all, I listened to them, perhaps a little more than I should have. I undershot myself. I told myself I didn’t deserve a lot of scholarships (and ended up not applying to them); told myself that the only reason I had gotten my scores was by a fluke, a grave error in the grading system. </p>

<p>And the result?</p>

<p>Now, I’m headed somewhere I don’t want to go, and know that there is no way out. So don’t sell yourself short, guys. Have faith. Apply to where you truly want to go–the worst that can happen is that you get rejected. Slow down, consider the schools you are applying to, and weigh them carefully. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. I forgot that for a while, and am now going to pay the price.</p>

<p>And thus ends the pessimism. :smiley: You guys are going to do great things, I’m sure. Come next year, I’ll be back on the 2015 thread to shower you with congratulations.</p>

Very good advice to the up and coming. I’ve always admired your maturity and your “keeping it real” attitude on the board. You will go very far. With that said, its not over until its over. You still have until April 1st! to hear from other schools, one I believe with very generous aid. Hang in there, you were smart enough to have applied to safeties. Its not all about where you attend, but instead what you DO when you get there. There will be great things coming from ya Ksarmand! :cool:</p>

<p>@ksarmand - Thank you for sharing your great advice with us. I feel like I’m falling into the same scenario that you’ve described; I’ve already talked myself out of applying to some schools. But your post makes me want to take a chance and consider some more reaches that I’m interested in. Thanks for your encouraging post</p>


Indeed. I wish you the best ksarmand - we all know you’ll do great things and as learninginprog said, “its not all about where you attend, but instead what you DO when you get there”</p>

<p>Thanks for the advice ksarmand!! I already feel that I am selling myself short because when I look at others in my school they look better on paper stats wise than I do even though I know I am more capable. I just don’t want to feel rejection, but hopefully all goes well, not only for me but for all of you also!!</p>

<p>ksarmand, thanks SO much for the amazing advice. this makes me feel a lot better about college and the entire process. my biggest fear is getting rejected from my number #1 choice school (which is virginia tech), but knowing that “You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.” is really motivating me !</p>


<p>thanks ksarmand, you give me some hope.
i am in love with three or four top schools and already am kind of anticipating a rejection but i’ll apply anyway, never know till you try.</p>

<p>That gave me some hope too(: My #1 school of choice is Duke University, and originally I wasn’t really planning on applying for top name colleges, but my career consuler told me to go for Harvard and Stanford as well, lol. I need more options I guess, but UVa and William and Mary are up there for me too.</p>

<p>Gah, 11 more weeks of school and we are seniors! I’m a little nervous. Next year is going to be hella stressful!</p>

<p>One more year, sadly.</p>

<p>I agree with everything @ksarmand said. It’s true. Before going to my summer program, LEDA, I never EVER thought I would get into the schools I’ve gotten into. I never knew the college admissions process, the importance of extracurriculars, the importance of community service, grades, SAT/ACT, etc. But thank God, I knew that I had to work hard and do something, so that’s what I did. Just get out there, get involved in what interests YOU, and PLEASE PLEASE don’t stress yourself out. If you don’t get into your DREAM school, it is because that just wasn’t God’s plan. There could be something better at another equally qualified school that you just never saw. I think what helped me was not getting too attached to any of my schools. I just want to end up where God strategically placed me, and that’s great for me. Good luck and God bless!</p>

<p>@ksarmand and @BeautifulNerd thanks so much for your advice. I am taking the SAT next week and it puzzles me that I’ve been studying for so long and it seems the more I study, the worst I do. I feel like I should stop studying and just relax. I have plans to take it in the fall (October) because I feel as though my score will not reflect my intelligence. I keep scoring 1800-ish and would love to break 2000? Any quick tips? Thanks!</p>

<p>^Studying isn’t exactly what helps with these exams. What really helps you out is taking practice exams over and over again, then reviewing your errors and understanding why you made them. Try heading over to the SAT/ACT forums as well. They’re great.</p>

<p>And your intelligence can never be fully encapsulated by a number. Remember that.</p>

<p>Class of 2015 list~ (tentative) Intended major: International Relations/ A foreign language (Spanish/French/Arabic)</p>

Harvard (for kicks :))
Princeton (unsure, wanna do more research)

<p>I’ll follow RajLon’s lead…</p>

<p>Intended Major: Chemical Engineering (Minor/Double Major in Poli Sci or English)
Cooper Union
Georgia Tech
Case Western

<p>Every time I look at the list, I just smile lol. Can’t wait to apply!</p>

<p>@RajLon- It’s not so much KNOWING the material. It’s knowing the tips and tricks of it, and knowing when to just say I can’t effing do this problem. Lol. The best thing to look at are vocab. words and math tricks. You can make assumptions on the math as long as it doesn’t say “figure not drawn to scale” so you can add in triangle and lines and what not. As far as writing, that’s my strongest section, so I never really studied. I just always say the sentence out loud and subject/verb agreement, neither/nor, not only…but also, are just a few major things on the SAT.</p>

<p>@ RajLon and Jayay90, you guys are amazing for going for the ivy leagues and top universities !! </p>

<p>i thought about applying to princeton, just to see what would happen. but i’ve just decided to apply in-state to james madison university, virginia tech, and george mason.</p>

<p>Did anyone hear else about National Achievement today?</p>

<p>I heard during precal today, and I was quite excited to hear that I qualified!</p>

<p>Hi all, I can’t wait until next year :D</p>

<p>Intended Major: International Business
Tentative List of Schools:</p>

<p>Brown!!! <3
Yale [maybe…]
U Chicago
James Madison U
Boston U
Boston College</p>

<h2> George Mason</h2>

<p>King’s College London
London School of Economics
University of Cambridge [woooooo! haha]
University of Manchester
Univeristy of Warwick</p>

<p>@jbrown: What? How do you know already? Is it official?
Oh and Congratulations!</p>

<p>@polkadot: welcome :)</p>

<p>:confused: I was a National Achievement Scholar this year, and my school didn’t notify me until early Fall about my semifinalist status. Relax, Jayay90. Wait a few more months for the good news. :)</p>

<p>@quortneykolen: Why on earth aren’t you applying? Even if you don’t do the Ivies, shoot high, please. I saw your chance threads, and although your stats might not be stellar, you can always supplement them with an interesting personality. Please read my post about the whole “I’m-not-good-enough” mentality. <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/1064372904-post62.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/1064372904-post62.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>When you sell yourself short, you miss out on a chance to be an example to your community and also shortchange all those who helped you get where you are today. Please consider applying to more of the “top” schools (who, coincidentally, also give out the best aid). Pm me if you have any more questions.</p>