
<p>They had all requirements for my D on 6 July and still no acceptance</p>

<p>Be patient… :slight_smile: …it’s July…the school is operating with a skeleton crew this month. </p>

<p>The acceptances will come soon!</p>

<p>Are you checking mybama?</p>

<p>When you’re accepted, the app link for the Honors College will show up…I think it’s in the Academic tab…left column.</p>

<p>M2CK – we are being patient (or trying to) lol – just wanted to throw our status out there so people would not think the 7-10 day waiting period was in effect (at least not at the moment)…</p>

<p>D checks mybama everyday (several times?) to see if there are new links that would indicate acceptance – but so far, just the same limited links originally given with CWID.</p>


<p>I feel terrible for telling everyone to expect a decision within 7-10 days lol but that’s what admissions told me. Oh well, I’m visiting this Friday so I’ll ask them in person about my application status.</p>

<p>Don’t feel bad packalldwy – I think several people were told that – and if I remember correctly, the same was indicated to me (I think they said a couple of weeks) when we visited; howevery, we visited the Honors College, and it is UA admissions that handles the acceptance. </p>

<p>I also know that some UA employees lost homes (at least one in admissions) and are in the process of rebuilding, so they may be even more of a reduced workforce than last year.</p>

<p>My D just told me that UA Amissions told her via chat that admission applications for Fall 2012 would not be reviewed until August – not sure when in August. This is the first time I’ve heard this, and just thought I would pass on – still hoping she will hear before that.</p>

<p>i know that some in admissions only work a 10 month year or LESS…so that means summer is a skeleton crew. </p>

<p>I think some are also helping with Bama Bounds and of course, summer tours.</p>

<p>I’m probably attending graduate school at Bama in the fall of 2012. My fiance recently applied as a transfer student to Bama. They got her transcript a few days ago and today she noticed that she can view the “Student” tab in myBama which she didn’t believe was there before. Also, she can see transfer credits converted to Bama courses in the system. Does this mean she is accepted?</p>

<p>fldude, I just looked at my son’s mybama, and he does not have a “students” tab at the top. His application is still pending for SAT scores. So I would not expect admission at least until those are there for him. I dont know if that info helps you or not.</p>


<p>hmm…I don’t know. Is there a link for your fiancee to send in a deposit?</p>

<p>She sees “Submit Freshman Enrollment Deposit.” When clicked it says “You are not currently admitted to the University of Alabama.” She’s technically not a freshman, but I’m not sure. I was curious because schools usually let you know what courses will transfer after you are accepted. It’s weird that they would go ahead and put them in banner.</p>

<p>Below is all my D has at this time (under Academics Tab) – my understanding that when other folders appear (Student Services or something like that) – and I have ability/link to pay deposit and apply for Honors etc. – It will mean she was accepted. </p>

<p>Banner Self-Service<br>
<folder>My Banner Links
Class Schedule
Bama Bound Evaluation
Exam Schedules
Course Catalog
Transfer Credit
Order Textbooks Online
Letter of Transiency</folder></p>

<p>Just wrapped up my visit to Alabama. My parents hated the Mallet Assembly Halls and loved the Ridgecrest dorms.</p>

<p>Packall…, </p>

<p>I was a “Mallateer” way back when, when it was in Byrd Hall, which is slated for razing. Is the Mallet Assembly now in Palmer Hall? The Master Plan shows that Palmer will be razed as well. How else was your visit?</p>

<p>My fiancee has those same links. Under the My Banner Links folder she has two folders: Personal Information and Student Services. There is an Honors College Application listed also that works. The “Submit Freshman Enrollment Deposit” link still says “You are not currently admitted to the University of Alabama.”</p>

<p>You seem to have the folders that we are waiting on – and from what I’ve gathered, would mean one is accepted. If you can apply to Honors, then I would have to think your fiance is accepted, but my guess is since she is a transfer (I think you said that) she doesn’t have permissions on the freshman deposit link…</p>

<p>She didn’t see the folders this morning, but called the transfer admissions counselor to inquire about the high school transcript requirement. They removed that requirement since she has 30+hrs. After they removed that, she noticed there were more folders and could view transfer credits. I’m pretty surprised because she only applied on the 19th. Maybe it’s quicker for transfer students since they only go by GPA. I guess we’ll find out next week if a letter comes.</p>

<p>I loved it. The campus and people were great!</p>

<p>curious about what Mallett’s plans are if Palmer is razed… will have to have DS ask them directly.</p>

<p>I visit campus this Friday too. I wonder how it compares to UCF and USF because I’ve visited those as well.</p>