African American Class of 2015

<p>@dreamwriter I’m 100% with you on that. I’m the only African-American in my classes as well, and while I’m not poor by any means, a lot of girls in my class are the typical preppy, rich girls. Sometimes it’s hard hearing them talk about how they went on this trip to Mexico/Bahamas/whatever, or mom and dad bought them a Michael Kors watch, or their family stayed at this one ski resort last winter, blah, etc. But you can’t let that faze you. Just know that you are very special and intelligent in your own right. Regarding the AP Lang teacher, I would say work your hardest, get good grades, and prove her wrong :slight_smile: Maybe once she sees how well you’re doing in the class, she’ll realize her error.</p>

<p>@BellLander :slight_smile: that really perked me up. I’ll take your advice and apply it tomorrow because this is my junior year and I need to work my hardest. There’s this black girl (she’s actually mixed) in my French class and she’s moved here from France. She doesn’t speak a lick of English only French, but it’s a good thing my parents speak French so I can make a new friend ^_^. This year has so many opportunities for me that I can’t bum myself out about the people I’m surrounded by.</p>

<p>@dreamwriter I’m glad! Definitely make friends with her. It’s an awesome way to practice your French with an actual native speaker, plus you’ll probably be more comfortable in the class with someone to talk to :).</p>

<p>@BellLander Second day of school check :slight_smile: It went much better than yesterday I even talked to the new French girl and I think she was relieved that someone was talking to her lol. My AP Lang class thinks I’m a know it all now :frowning: all because I got the most questions correct on a pre test. At one point I just stopped raising my hand because my classmates would start giving me annoyed looks whenever the teacher would ask if anyone got the question right (I being the only one). Although my AP gov class still acts as if I don’t exist I really don’t care anymore :slight_smile: I just read while everyone else is talking.</p>

<p>@dreamwriter As the saying goes, “Do you.” lol. Forget how anyone else feels about it. Don’t stop raising your hand, and be as involved as possible in the class. If they’re giving you dirty looks, give 'em one right back. If they don’t know the answers, then that’s on them.</p>

<p>My sister is an upcoming junior and school doesn’t start for like another week, but I’m wondering if her schedule is good enough :</p>

<p>AP calc AB
AP Lang
AP World
AP Biology ( 2 periods )
Honors Forensic Science
Honors Health / programming B
Took 4 AP’s her sophomore year ; scores were OK ( 2 3’s, 1 4,and 1 5)
GPA on the low side ( 3.5, but she hopes to bump it up to 3.6 with hard work )</p>

<p>I personally , never raised my hand during class. I never saw the need to raise my hand since the teacher is going to give the answer anyway . If your trying to impress your teacher than it will be reflected in your grades. I don’t care what the students think about me , but why put yourself through that . If makes more of a statement if your quiet and number one in the class, then of your that annoying student always raising their hand in class like its a contest .</p>

<p>@cavelleva100 I was referring to the fact that dreamwriter said she stopped raising her hand completely because of the looks classmates would give her. I’m not a big hand-raiser myself, but if someone knows the answer and wants to say so, they should feel comfortable in doing that.</p>

<p>You have a point, I didn’t know that this was a problem for dreamwriter ( to the point that she felt uncomfortable raising her hand )</p>

<p>Sorry guys it’s been a while.
I hope you have a better week. Im not much of a hand raiser myself. I totally agree that test scores will impress your teachers. I actually kind of just say whatever. Our teachers don’t really do the hand raising thing unless there is too much class participation or zero class participation. If you truly don’t feel comfortable in your class to where it’s a problem then maybe consider going to a teacher or admin. One of my favorite parts of school is having confidence in class. I love answering questions and sparking discussions. I would just say be mindful of tone and attitude. You might not even realize that you may sound a little too sassy or matter-of-factly. Some people may roll their eyes, but as long as you aren’t arrogant about it, most people don’t have a problem. Sometimes it results in people looking up to you for advice/leadership/answers (Don’t give em away tho). :slight_smile:
I believe that it will get better!</p>

<p>@Bellander I’m doing me now lol and school is actually going very well for me. Although my classmates always seem surprised when I begin to talk (I’ve been told that I’m very well spoken for someone my age…but I think we all know what the person really means). And I’m making friends so easily this year, guys are actually approaching me :slight_smile: </p>

In AP Lang we’re actually having a class discussion on the summer reading book and I have to say I’m not good at all in discussions :frowning: I participate but I feel as if I really don’t contribute to the discussion. And I got an 80 on my first test in AP Lang :frowning: a freaking 80 !!! :(</p>

<p>@cavella I totally forgot to answer this in my previous post, but you sister’s schedule looks very good to me. She passed all the APs she took sophomore year, so I don’t think this year should be a problem :slight_smile: I just re-read my last post, and I’m sorry if I came off as a little aggressive. I can get into it sometimes lol</p>

<p>@dreamwriter YAYY! I’m so happy about that! If you could swing one of those guys my way, that would be fantastic lol</p>

Lol but they’re geeks :slight_smile: I’m not sure if that’s your type.</p>

<p>Intelligence is always attractive ;)</p>

<p>Amen to that!!</p>

<p>@BellLander @Basic2015

<p>School update:
Kill me now.
My MATH teacher assigned an essay…
I can’t with that.</p>

An essay in math…<em>insert worried emoji</em></p>

He said he is not your ordinary math teacher. It’s gonna be a long year!
Other than that it’s going pretty good. English is awesome!
It feels so weird being a junior. I don’t know any underclassmen. Does it feel weird to you guys?</p>