African American Class of 2015

<p>First day was today…<em>passes out on bed</em> This is gonna be a rough year lol
I literally don’t feel old enough to be a junior; I still feel like a freshman to be honest. It’s like, SAT? PSAT? College? Whaaa?</p>

<p>That accurately describes how I feel right now.
I totally know how you’re feeling…it’s so overwhelming. But im starting to feel my chronic senioritis come back. I’ve had it since freshmen year!
I don’t know about you guys but it looks like another fabulous year being the only minority in my class…woooo.</p>

<p>I know how you feel basic. I’m friendly with the people in my class, but it sucks not having my friends in the same classes. It’s pretty much been that way since freshman year, you’d think I would be used to it :/</p>

Yes!!! I feel so grown up and ready to leave but it’s an odd feeling for me. At this point all of my friends have decided to take easy classes and I am working my tail off in these AP’s :frowning: I get like 3 hours of sleep tbh this hw is overwhelming but I’m fine with it :slight_smile: I just tell myself everyday that I’m working hard for a reason :)</p>

<p>Amen guys I feel like we’ve been working super hard but right now nothing to show for it. Can’t wait to start getting these scores and recognition!</p>

<p>Long time no talk! How has everyone been? I’ve had so much work, but overall I’m happy :)</p>

<p>After a crazy first week and some major adjustments I have finally adjusted. Averaging about 5 hours of sleep and still managing to function properly. I LOVE AP LANG & COMP!
Even though I have a B :frowning:
And Im browsing for a homecoming date lol.
How bout you?</p>

<p>The only class I have a grade in right now is Physics and I have a B <em>shrugs</em>. I did get an A on my first essay for AP Lang! My first APUSH test is on Monday and I’m freaking out…I’m getting about 4.5-5 hours of sleep a night, but it’s not too bad I guess.</p>

<p>I finally have all A’s but they’re borderline B’s. Phew!!
How is physics everybody hates that class at school?
Surprisingly AP Chem isn’t that bad. I have no clue how I have an A though! Wait till we take a real test.
I can’t remember if I asked? But are y’all taking the Oct 5 SAT?</p>

Nope I’m taking mine in January or December.</p>

<p>Sorry I haven’t been on in a while but this year is super stressful. There isn’t a night where I don’t have homework, and I’m actually convinced my AP Lang teacher hates me. I get 100’s on all her tests yet she chooses to belittle me in front of the entire class. I feel like crying every time I leave her class because there’s always something humiliating she’s done to me that day, although I never do cry because I just work really hard in that class and I show my anger by acing every assignment she gives me.</p>

<p>I have All A’s in all of my classes except precalc where I have a D :(. But I can fix that by retaking a test. All I have to say is junior year is A LOT of work :slight_smile: but hey I’m up for the challenge.</p>

<p>Omg your teacher!! That’s terrible but as long as you keep killing her tests and pass the AP test then she can’t do anything.
I wish you had my teacher…he is AMAZING.
PreCal…I hate with a passion.
He thought it would be fun to star the first day with limits and tangents and all this stuff that doesn’t happen till calculus and Ive been lost since day one.</p>

Trust me lol I’m killing everything she hands to me. I can’t let this lady think I’m weak. And we’re annotating the Scarlet Letter :frowning: it’s soo much work but I love complex literature :slight_smile: so I can exhaust myself and still have fun.</p>

<p>My precalc teacher doesn’t even teach. :frowning: she’s so lazy and complains when people ask for help. I’ve just started going online for help because there is no way I’m going to allow myself to fail her class.</p>

<p>Hey guys I’m new to this thread but I’m AA soo haha. Anyways I only have 2 APs this semester and 5 next semester. Physics honors and AP chem are kicking my butt</p>

<p>Same here with the PreCal.</p>

<p>Welcome to the thread!</p>


<p>It’s killing me as well. The formulas and those inquiry based labs. I love the class but the work tho. :frowning:
Gonna have my first legit AP style test. I can already see my A fading away.
What are you guys on right now?</p>

<p>We finished up Gas laws and Stoichiometry and now we are on electron configuration and atomic structure. I hate it.</p>

Sounds complicated lol :slight_smile: I decided to take honors chem and we’re just learning how to read the periodic table -_-</p>

<p>We’re halfway through stochiometry. Do you have the class everyday? And have you done any labs?</p>

<p>@Dreamwriter23-- I took Honors Chem last year and to be honest, its PLENTY advanced lol. I learned a lot in that class, I feel like AP Chem is basically the same thing just at an extremely fast pace :/.
@basic2015 Yes I have the class everyday…unfortunately. We’ve done so many labs I can’t even keep count! Labs with Copper and Potassium iodide (limiting reactants), chromatography, zinc and copper penny extraction etc etc etc. UGH</p>

<p>OMG that inquiry based chromatography tho!! :
We have an A day B day sched so were kinda behind. I failed my first test :frowning:
I understood how to do everything…the way AP words thing is brutal!</p>

Yeah, Honors chemistry is getting a bit more difficult. I currently have an A in the class. Our teacher is very nonchalant so we don’t get a lot of homework or class work.</p>

<p>Has anyone found a potential prom date for next year? My luck with guys is the same as last year, I’m noticed a bit more now although the freshman are the ones noticing me :(</p>