African American Class of 2015

<p>Well this thread has been dead for awhile. Are any of you taking APs this May? I’m taking APUSH, AP Psych, and AP Lang</p>

<p>Yep it has been pretty dead. I’m taking AP Lang, Comp Sci, Calc BC, and Physics C.</p>

<p>Hello everyone !! Just found this AWEOME thread. So exciting to read about other AAs in the c/o 2015 with similar hopes, dreams and challenges. I’m taking 6 Ap classes this year, Chem, cal AB, Language, Spanish, euro his, and computer science. I LOVE MY AP LANG class, and chem and Spanish are cool, but cal and comp science make me retreat to my happy place daily .I attend a highly competitive school and it is taboo to discuss grades and stand test scores, so I’m hoping to do so here. Anyway hope to connect with you guys. </p>

<p>Yay a new member @TheCupcakeSpy‌ :slight_smile: it’s nice to meet you!</p>

<p>Are you taking the AP Lang exam? I’m going through cliff notes atm. The only AP exams I’m really worried about are APUSH and AP Psych. APUSH because we’re no where near finishing the syllabus and AP Psych because my teacher taught us nothing so that means I’m basically self studying two APs and winging english D: this is horrible because I need to get a 5 somewhere so I don’t feel bad for having my parents shell out $300 :/</p>

<p>@jellybae nice to meet you too! :smiley: ! Yes, I’m taking Ap Lang and it’s my fav class, so I’m actually looking forward to the exam-strange I know. Ii took APUSH last year, I passed but not with the score I wanted. If I could go back in time, I would have taken all the practice test in my study book and watched ALL the crash course vids on YouTube., they are funny and informative, thus on top of the mock test and daily course work. Which schools are you thinking of applying to?</p>

<p>@TheCupcakeSpy‌ Well my probable goal schools are Emory, Case Western Reserve and Tufts. My goal schools are Yale, Duke, Wash U, Northwestern, Cornell and maybe U of Chicago. My safeties are Baylor and UT (and I pray to god I wont ever have to go to one of my safeties I hate Texas so much)</p>

<p>What’s wrong with Texas? @Jellybae‌</p>

<p>@Mathmaticious‌ Everyone here (I obviously know not everyone everyone) is either openly racist/bigoted or internalizes racism/bigotry to fit in with their privileged friends and i’m sick of it. It’s easier to live among and deal with color blind liberals rather than annoying exuberant conservatives who just repeat everything fox news and their rich white daddies/friends tell them. </p>

<p>@Jellybae‌ I see. How are your PSAT/SAT scores? Texas schools don’t have to be your only safeties.</p>

<p>@Mathmaticious‌ i scored a 181 on the PSAT. Im taking the SAT for the first time in june and hoping to score around/above 2200 </p>

<p>@Jellybae‌ If you get a 2200, you can probably get enough scholarships to leave Texas. (By the way, I’m also in in Texas) What do you want to study in college?</p>

<p>@Mathmaticious‌ <em>crosses fingers</em> anyways I want to go into pre med! What about you? Also, what schools are you considering?</p>

<p>@Jellybae‌ I’ll probably major in chemical engineering with a minor in comp sci. My dream school is either MIT or Cal Tech.(MIT more though) I don’t care too much about where I go if not one of those two as long as it’s a good school. So I’ll end up at UT probably. I don’t care about how people act in Texas I just ignore them.</p>

<p>@jellybae I can totally relate to your feelings about Texas, I’m in Alabama and it’s the same here, although my high school isn’t as bad as the state. Great school choices btw. @Mathmaticious hey I’ve seen you on the MITES thread how are you doing with the wait? It driving me up a wall!!!</p>

<p>@Mathmaticious‌ I can’t do that :confused: I’ve been trying to just ignore stupid people but all it does is stress me out and im trying to not get hypertension so yeah</p>

<p>@Jellybae‌ Are you sure it’s not just the area? It sounds pretty bad. My school isn’t that bad…</p>

<p>@TheCupcakeSpy‌ Thanx. The wait is actually angering me a little. I had a deadline to pay $300 by today for a trip to DC for a TSA National competition. I was hoping to know the results by now but nope. I even called the MITES people and explained my situation but they said I just have to wait 'till Friday like everyone else. So if I get into MITES I lose the deposit fee of $300 and if I don’t then I didn’t get in which is also bad. :frowning: </p>

<p>@Mathmaticious‌ i live in south texas :confused: I hear Houston is nice because of all the diversity but here it’s horrible :frowning: </p>

<p>Anyway @TheCupcakeSpy‌ @Mathmaticious‌ what do your senior year schedules look like? I’m debating whether or not I should take 7 APs… Anyone applying early action/decision? I’m hoping to apply to Yale SCEA and Duke early decision if i think my app looks solid enough</p>

<p>Next year I signed up for:
AP chemistry
AP gov/econ
AP Eng Lit
PreAP Spanish III (didn’t have room in my schedule to take it this year)
Problems & Solutions (Independent study pretty much. I’ll be working on robots)
Electronic Multimedia (art credit required to graduate)
Speech/advanced programming (speech required to graduate and programming to fill the open semester)</p>

<p>And definitely MIT early action.
What about you? @Jellybae‌ </p>

<p>@Mathmaticious‌ I’m taking AP Chemistry, AP English Lit and AP Gov/Econ too! I’m also taking AP Calc ab, AP Bio, AP Physics (not sure if im taking 1 or C) and for my final slot, I’m not sure what to choose :confused: I planned on taking astronomy (because I really like learning about space and tbh I’d be an astrophysicist if the pay wasn’t so horrid) or AP environmental science (my friend says its an easy 100) but I’m also in the school newspaper this year and im pretty sure if i stayed on the paper id be editor in chief next year. I also want to take another year of Spanish (AP Spanish 4) but I don’t have space at all :confused: Paying to take an extra class is also out of the question because Im already taking dual credit Art History during the year. </p>

<p>So I’m kinda having a crisis right now lol</p>

<p>@jellybae like you said everyone isn’t racist or bigoted, so search out those who aren’t and befriend a white student who feels the same way you do, they are out there, pray for them and keep it movin. I’m taking ap cal bc, ap Spanish lit, ap Econ, ap physics ap lit, and Model UN , I took 6 ap classes this year and it was tough but now that I’m almost at the end I’m glad I did, elite college website are always stating how they look for students to take challenging course loads so if you feel you can do it I would… :slight_smile: @Mathmaticious I’m sorry about that, yeah the wait is really taking a toll on folks, I’m praying that the reason they have us waiting is because they expanded the program or something and they can accept more that 80 people. Maybe if you explain to TSA the situation and send them the link to the MITES SITE, they might give you back your deposit, or if you get in ask MITES to send An e-mail</p>