African American Class of 2015

<p>My class is behind too :frowning: @Clarg17‌ we’re still at WWII. Anyway, my teacher recommends the crash course book for short studying but I recommend the crash course videos as well and if you think you can study 700 pages in 3 weeks, id take my chances with the amsco. </p>

<p>@Clarg17‌ History is my worst subject, but yea the crash course videos are pretty good.</p>

<p>@Mathmaticious‌ @Jellybae‌ Phew!!! I bought Crash Course last week because I read some really good reviews on it on CC. I will definitely check out the videos too. Thanx! :smiley:
And wow your on WWII? My class has finished everything and we are just doing the review from the beginning/pre colonial life all the way until post civil war. </p>

<p>My teacher decided that the state test, which anyone can pass with common sense alone, was more important to study for than the AP exam. So everyone in my class is going to get 1s and 2s on APUSH this year. I’m not taking it though because I’m in dual credit APUSH</p>

<p>@Mathmaticious‌ you mean the EOC? My apush teacher is worried about that test, not because it’s hard, but because it covers a lot of information from periods we haven’t covered yet. All this standardized testing is honestly so ridiculous.</p>

<p>Yep the dreaded E O C dun duunn duunnnnn. Massive waste of time if you ask me. @Jellybae‌ </p>

<p>@Mathmaticious‌ it’s completely ruined a lot of my classes’ teaching schedules. All the benchmarks we’ve had to take and all the days we must spend testing have taken sooo much time away from my teachers’ lesson plans. It’s really an inconvenience and just gives students another thing to tress over</p>

<p>@Jellybae‌ I know what you mean. We lost two full days of learning because of the English test for freshman and sophomores earlier this year. smh -_-</p>

<p>@Mathmaticious‌ @Jellybae‌ Whats the EOC? </p>

<p>@Clarg17‌ standardized end of course exams for Texas students. There used to be one for every core subject but the government realized taking and passing 15 exams throughout high school was absolutely ridiculous and a waste of time so they changed it to 5. Now we just have to pass the english I, algebra I, bio I, us history and english II(?) EOCs to graduate from high school. It’s absolutely stupid and a waste of time.</p>

<p>@Jellybae‌ Oh… I live in Boston so the closest thing we have to that is the MCAS but we only do it in Science, math, and english and they space them out so you take them sophomore year or until you pass but there pretty easy.</p>

<p>Did any of y’all apply to MITES/E2/MOSTEC? I got into MOSTEC! I know @TheCupcakeSpy‌ got E2. Anyone else?</p>

<p>Congratulations @Mathmaticious‌ :). Glad the deposit won’t go to waste!! </p>

<p>S got MOSTEC. He’s very disappointed-not an out and out rejection, but still feels like a rejection. </p>

<p>MOSTEC is great though. We get 6 months talking with MIT instead of 1 or 6 weeks. And we can still do other things during the summer because most of it is online. @ProudMomx3‌ </p>

<p>@TheCupcakeSpy‌ yea it won’t. This all worked out very well!! :smiley: and congratulations to you too!</p>

<p>How has AP season been for you guys? I took Psychology on Monday. It went well. Im hoping for a 4 or 5</p>

<p>@jellybae I took psych too. I think I did pretty good. Taking English tomorrow and AP Gov on Tuesday and APUSH on Wed then I’ll be done until finals. </p>

<p>I took English today! The mc was a lot easier than the practice tests my teacher gave us. My synthesis essay was my strongest aside for a few sourcing slip ups. I completely bs’d the rhetorical analysis lol but I still think id get a 7 because it was some convincing bs. I didn’t have any concrete examples for my argumentative essay though but I think i argued for it with enough logic to get me a 7. I really wish I went against it though. I could’ve had a stronger essay</p>

<p>How did you do @BeStillMyHeart‌ </p>

<p>D has received invites for diversity visits and diversity outreach admission sessions. Are you also receiving these emails and letters also? I’m assuming that the invites go out to a large # of AA students.</p>