African American Class of 2015

<p>I don’t think I’ve received anything specifically related to diversity outreach. Where are these invites from? @4CookieMonster‌</p>

<p>@jellybae I feel pretty confident especially knowing that English is my weakest subject. </p>

<p>So glad I’m done with APs. </p>

<p>I’m done with APs too. Thank God. @4CookieMonster‌ i got an invite to go to a diversity meeting at Amherst. Where did your daughter get invited to?</p>

<p>Amherst and Williams visits. Princeton and Georgetown diversity info. sessions. She’s not interested in any of these schools for various reasons. Too small, too close, etc. Will any of you apply? </p>

<p>@4CookieMonster‌ Nope, not to those schools.</p>

<p>I signed up for the WOW Williams visit - there are 6+ Williams alum in my family so they all encouraged me to apply for it. </p>

<p>Read on another thread that URM will be judged/compared to others of their race not the applicants as a whole (ie a black kid wouldn’t necessarily be compared to a white or Asian) not sure how accurate that is ?? :confused: what do you guys think?</p>

<p>@Jessdilla2015‌ thats not true lol. A lot of people on here are just bitter </p>

<p>Is it me or is it insanely annoying and actually rude when people say “Oh, she only got in because she is black”. I find it t be so offensive because I know how hard I work to get the grades that I have and if I get into a good school, it isn’t because I’m black. It’s because I deserved it</p>

<p>Exactly, it is really offensive and I don’t get it. It’s mostly the asians/whites whining about how they lost a spot because the admissions officers didn’t feel as if they were a good fit for the school.</p>

<p>DD had that experience last month. She was told that she got into Yale, UPENN & Dartmouth to fill a black quota. Be prepared to hear it. It will come. I must say I was shocked that she heard it at school. DD has done a lot over the past 4 years. She has busted her hump when everyone else was relaxing and taking it easy. As far as school work and ECs. So start growing a thick skin now.</p>

<p>Jessdilla. You will be somewhat categorized not just ethnically but there are athletics, geography, legacy students gender if your stem all kind of different things that separate us and bring us together in the admission process as schools try to put together their team. Just don’t make the mistake or rampant assumption sometimes displayed on this site that one team is easier than another. Some of the people on this site would be taken aback by the quality and credentials of students of color at these elite universities</p>

<p>" Some of the people on this site would be taken aback by the quality and credentials of students of color at these elite universities "</p>

<p>Yes!! And AA high school students need to realize that. It is disheartening to me to see regular posts from students with less than stellar stats asking questions like “how much will being black help me to get into Harvard?”</p>

<p>And to that question my response is, do you think you are one of the top 100 or so AA seniors in the US? So yes, in that respect you are being compared to other AA students.</p>

<p>I saw this video on my Tumblr dash this morning. Watch it. This white guy said Sonia Sotomayer wasn’t qualified for the US Supreme Court (and only got in because she’s Hispanic) and Rachel Maddow tear his statements down. </p>

<p><a href=“Pat Buchanan's racism addressed by Rachel Maddow - YouTube”>Pat Buchanan's racism addressed by Rachel Maddow - YouTube;

<p>I also read that without Affrimative Action, most likely that white person would’ve still gotten rejected. </p>

<p>Yesterday I asked my brother what colleges he applied to and he said he got accepted to all colleges he applied to including UChicago and USC except UT (he wasn’t in the top 7%). I congratulated him on these accomplishments because those are very great schools (he ended up going to neither because the financial aid was better at an in state small private school) but he said that he thinks the only reason he got in was because of Affirmative Action.</p>

<p>With the mass about of republican white friends he has I was not surprised that he believed that nonsense. It disheartened me so much to know that he didn’t value his accomplishments and truly felt like his acceptances meant nothing because of what his bitter white friends had probably told him. Surely his SAT score was definitely not up to par but that’s because English was not his first language so he’s always struggled with the reading and writing sections and the score distribution clearly showed that. I’m certain the schools put aside his SAT score because he was highly accomplished in every other area. Despite moving here from another country during his sophomore year and having all of his transferred credits be rejected so he had to start over, he still managed to jump in rank from the 100s to the 40s because he was smarter than the majority of kids in the top 10. Everyone at my school knew he was extremely intelligent and well rounded (he played sports, was super involved and even broke a world record) and despite knowing this, people that he had called friends decided to snub him and make him feel guilty.</p>

<p>It makes me mad because this is probably how a lot of other accomplished, amazing black students feel during application season. They undermine themselves and their accomplishments because of all the negativity from their majority white/~some Asian peers :frowning: And if they’re not undermining their accomplishments, they’re trying to justify their accomplishments to ignorant people. Sigh. We can’t win.</p>

<p>I truly don’t get those people either because when you look at Ivy schools and their 10%~ black student populations you realize that only 500-600 kids are black. Do they really believe that smart well rounded black students don’t exist?? They act as if only 10 black kids score over 2200 on their SATs and the rest that are admitted score 1500s…</p>

<p>Blacks makeup 12% percent of the population but only make up 7% of the spot at Ivies. In NC, the black population is 25% but only make up 11% at Duke and 10% at UNC-Chapel Hill. </p>

<p>It’s not only race. Rich folks are overreppresented while the lower class is underrepresented. </p>

<p>White folks/rich folks take more scholarships than POCs and the poor. </p>

<p>If we had true Affrimative Action it wouldn’t be like this. College admissions shouldn’t be about who made it to the finish line. It should be about how far you traveled to make it to the finish line. Not everyone started at the same spot. </p>

<p>@Jellybae Those friends aren’t really his friends. He is probably their token black friend. He need to get rid of them and/or educate them. Anybody with common sense would know his scores are lower because he’s not a native speaker. Plus the reading/writing/english section also give whites an advantage because some black folks, like me, grew up speaking AAVE and not “proper English”. His white friends only grew up speaking one language while he had to learn another. That’s an accomplishment. </p>

<p>We can’t never win. It’s not only in the United States. Europe just had an election and the people elected a lot of racist/neo-nazi/anti-immigration people in office. It’s truly frightened. One person wants another black plague to wipe out the Muslims. Another person said that Europe should be a continent full of white people. Another said that “gas chambers” is only a small detail when talking about Jews. People of color makes up 80% of the world pop. and invented way more useful things than whites but you would think we’re not worth anything. Jesus is brown skin (even though i dont believe in him) and so is Santa Claus (yes, St. Nick is black) but white folks will have you thinking they’re white. Black folks built this country foundation, but white folks will have you thinking it was George Washington. White folks will have you thinking Elvis invented rock n’ roll and Miley Cyrus invented twerking when black folks did. White folks will have you thinking that blacks are dumb when we had our own Wall Street before whites blew it up. Now we just have a Wall Street in NYC and a banking system that f*uck people over left and right. And blame the wrong people saying their “lazy” “irresponsible” when the economy goes bad. White folks will have you thinking Memorial Day is about all dead Veterans when it’s about slaves who fought during the Civil War that didn’t have a proper burial sight. White folks will have you thinking it was black folks who built the ghettos in America and not whites. I could go on. </p>

<p>So I’m not surprise that your brother white friends convinced him that he only got in because of Affirmative Action. They have a history of convincing us otherwise. </p>

<p>I only talked about race. I didn’t even touch gender. </p>

<p>I used to be in the REM stage of sleep, but now I’m awake. </p>

<p>I try not to be a cynic, but everyday new things come up that make me more cynical. </p>

<p>@BeStillMyHeart‌ Why don’t you come to my school so we can be friends in real life :(( I’ve been thinking the same exact thing you have for years now but the only person I have to talk and rant to is my only black friend and even then I restrain myself a lot because I can tell she’s not as strong an advocate for social justice as I am and I don’t want to scare her away lol. It’s a bit maddening when you see so much harmful and oppressive things people do and there’s nothing you can say about it without being ostracized. It’s even worse when you realize you used to internalize so many harmful things :frowning: </p>

<p>Like it still hasn’t hit me that it has taken me 14 years to like the hair that grows out of my head. It’s baffling that I actually used to think that using harmful chemicals on my hair was ideal because it’d make my hair “pretty”. Gah. I love being black but it’s so depressing at the same time…</p>

<p>And yeah, my brother was the token black friend when he went to my school. He’s dating a white girl and he has soooo much internalized racism it’s annoying. It’s so depressing to see because even in college he still lets his white friends dictate his life… Like my parents are Nigerian and they’ve made sure we know that we’re not like white people here and we have to work harder to get places but it all goes through one ear and exists the other for him… I just hope he stays out of trouble because he’ll be the one to take the fall :[</p>

<p>@jellybae Even though I used to be internally racist, I’m always glad that I was open-minded enough to see oppression/hatred and actually learn about racism unlike some POCs. I always could’ve pointed out things that was “wrong” or that didnt fit right with me. </p>

<p>I’m guilty when it comes to hair. I still get perms. Nobody in my family is natural. I currently thinking rather to go natural or not. I have nothing to lose really because I never wore weave. </p>

<p>We do have to work harder to get to places. African-Americans are the least likely group to get a"callback". </p>

<p>Is your brother dating a white girl because of the sterotypes of black girls? If so, that’s more internalized racism. If not, then it’s not really a problem. </p>

<p>@BeStillMyHeart‌ yup he stereotypes black girls and places white girls on a pedestal. It’s just hilarious now considering that his “holy” gf has displayed quite fallible commitment…</p>

<p>My one year natural anniversary is coming in 3-4 weeks. I’m pretty excited because it took me a long time to learn to love my hair :slight_smile: Go natural! My hair is 4c so you can be sure I’m not a 3c girl with ringlets telling you you can just leave your hair and it’ll be fine. You have to take care of your hair but it’s a lot less time consuming and cheaper than maintaining relaxed hair. I recently started wearing my twa out when Spring came along in march. Before that I protective styled with marley twists and stuff. It’s only been a year and yet my hair is already almost as long as it was when I relaxed it!</p>